
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 11, 2012 11:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was AG Ellen breaks the ice. The next post in this blog is Cruise ship disaster captain was on cell phone. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Laugh about it, shout about it when you've got to choose

Comments (20)

The very thought of this is enough to make one want to get out of Dodge!!

Go with Smith purely for the entertainment value.

Either way, it's a punch in the nuts.

See? And here we thought we had hit bottom with Sam. Nope, we only THOUGHT we'd hit bottom, now we're getting out the shovel and digging.

I'd call it a choice between dumb and dumber but that would be giving both candidates much more credit than they have coming.

Remember years back, the vote for Nobody campaign, and the great slogans? Nobody will serve the people! Nobody will fix the potholes! Nobody cares!

Just look who Smith has surrounded himself with - all of Blue Oregon's progressive socialists.

Took a afternoon walk downtown to hit the farmers market and grab some coffee. There is a rim of homeless/occupiers around city hall, basically camping outdoors. Some of them are aggressively demanding (not asking) for money from passerby, fighting with each other, cursing, and generally being a nuisance. I'm sure some of you saw the story online in the O about the increased rat problems in the parks that were previously occupied, largely due to the food/mess left behind by these "protesters". I have no doubt Hales will do nothing about this unless they start protesting in front of Williams-Dame, which will warrant a call to the riot squad, and Smith will probably pander to it until one of them ticks him off, in which case it will be junk punching time.

Hales will win easily. The voter's challenge is a simple one, to answer the question, is that acceptable? If not, you need to vote for his opponent.

Write in LaVonne for mayor.

Another family in our Scout Troop is leaving Multnomah County, specifically due to the Property Taxes, Politics, Portland Water/Sewer Rates, and the Garbage Policies of Portland. That is 3 families this year, luckily they still commute from Clark and Clackamas Counties to participate, but I don't like the trend.

The trend is that insiders will be hanging around
as long as they can pick clean
and heaven help those who can't afford to leave.

Just look who Smith has surrounded himself with - all of Blue Oregon's progressive socialists.

3. Promoting or favoring progress toward better conditions or new policies, ideas, or methods: a progressive politician; progressive business leadership.

In my opinion:
I do not perceive this Blue Oregon bunch as progressive.
It is not progressive to give all D's a pass, no matter what they do. It seems they are in a club cheer leading for each other, conditions are not better, not better by a long shot and nary a word of criticism on the negative agenda in our area. I do not believe they have moved forward, but have supported mantras of old policies, career politicians and are in lock step with the choke hold in our community.

in lock step with the choke hold

Block! That! Metaphor!

Both of these clowns will continue the slide towards bankruptcy. Jeffy will do it because he isn't smart enough to know any better, Charlie will do it because that is the easiest way to scoop off money for himself and his friends. Either way, Portland will end up poorer. Both of these idiots will surround themselves with a staff full of progressive spewing fools who destroy the local economy with their nitwit ideas.

"The trend is that insiders will be hanging around as long as they can pick clean
and heaven help those who can't afford to leave."

Clinaman, are you speaking about the spoils in City Hall or the rats in the parks NEPguy mentioned?

I am speaking about the career politicians and
those who pull their strings to pick us clean.
I think rats in the park have more integrity!


Funny that you say that---every friend I've ever had that's visited this city has remarked on the huge amount of aggressive street people in the city---and the fact that the city doesn't seem to do anything about it.

A friend from Seattle was visiting this past weekend and we were eating lunch at a place on SE Water. Broad daylight, his passenger window was smashed in and everything stolen. I made a circuit of the Village of the Damned under the bridge to see if the thief was hanging out there and dumb enough to leave anything out in plain sight, and was taunted and insulted the entire time, culminating in a filthy lass coming up to me and saying "You dropped something back there."

"No, I don't think so...."

"Yeah, you dropped your badge, pig!"

Just pretty f***ed, really----and I can't imagine it getting any better anytime soon.

Ah, bask in the warm glow of Oregon's tolerance of all things filthy.

Finally, a bumper sticker I feel like putting on my car. Is this for sale, or as yet a late-burning blogging notion?

I saw a really funny one recently."We all love each other, we just don't know it yet". I had trouble holding my water on that one.

How about, "we all love each other, except for when we don't". Hey,
where does one get bumper stickers made?

I go here. You can just download the jpg image on this post to your computer, then upload it there, where it says "Start from Scratch." Stickers are $3 apiece, less if you buy in quantity. For example, ten is $2.50 each. Good luck.

If you'd like a bojack.org sticker -- only $1.50, free shipping! -- go here. (Please!)

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