
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on July 7, 2012 7:48 AM. The previous post in this blog was Have a great weekend. The next post in this blog is The worst forest fire danger of them all. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, July 7, 2012

"Gavel Down" Jeanne still rockin' the 'Couv

There's this story, which is sad... and then there's the back story, which is even sadder. It ain't purty.

Comments (10)

You know those stress balls sure do seem to be appropriately named...

As we enter the dawning of the age of Aquarius, we are all becoming more open and revealing.

For some folks, that ain't pretty.

Meglomaniac with broken moral compass and anger issues?

Unfortunately these are traits in elected officials in Greater Portland.

Anger management issues?
And the link to the picture of her in the "charity boxing match" is interesting...

What I found most fascinating in the Columbian article is Harri's reported divorce hearing in Cowlitz County the day after the Columbian published the eye injury story.

Is it the water around here, of what?

Last I looked, no part of Vancouver is in Cowlitz County. So why is a Vancouver city council person involved in a divorce venued in Cowlitz County?

Is she off the Vancouver Council and moved?

Whoops. Left out a sentence.

Or is she channeling Char-LIE Hales?

Man...and I thought PORTLAND had some whacko elected officials.

How did the Couv manage to get her away from Pornland?

Any comments on the likely discovery process in her lawsuit case from any lawyer types?

And these types never realize they are nuts....

And these types never realize they are nuts....

Speaking of, has she ever punched anyone in the nuts?

The one time I had an exchange of information with Jeanne Harris, she acted like a real snit even though she was only there to listen. She is definitely unstable and has no business being on a City Council.

Just my personal opinion, but I don't think the stress ball was thrown hard enough...

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