
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on June 18, 2012 10:37 PM. The previous post in this blog was Bad sneakers. The next post in this blog is Hales takes a bite of the big Wiener. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, June 18, 2012

Portland "youths" going wild

On top of a frighteningly violent week at Laurelhurst Park, tonight we get news of a police officer assaulted at a MAX station in Gresham and a golfer held up at gunpoint on the Heron Lakes Golf Course. It's not even summer yet, but already Portlandia's looking like a rough place. A rough place with streetcars.

Comments (19)

They stomp a cop?

Kick him while he's down?

Keep Portland weird!

The next election will fix ALL of Portland's problems!

Will, maybe not the crime, or the potholes, or the graft, or the pension problems, or the....

But hey, Portland has the coolest hipsters, and shiney street cars! The Progressives just love this place!

And pretty streetcars they are that look so European.

The Crime-Met Cop stomping included 14 & 15 year old GIRLS and a 17 year old BOY.

And in all three incidents, reporters from the Oregonian cut and pasted the police reports NEARLY word for word ... intentionally editing ONE fact out of the suspects description in each case.

Why would they do that?

It's a mystery.

Maybe they're in a contest to see who can look more absurd.

The Oregonian policy of not identifying the race of suspects in their stories has gone from being merely annoying to being comedic. Why they don't just report the news instead of trying to be eveyone's PC nanny is a mystery. I stopped reading The Oregonian print edition years ago and now I don't read many stories online either because of this reason. Other local news outlets on the Internet seem to do a better job of reporting the news.

Social engineering shouldn't be a primary goal of any one in the news media. But, the flower children are trying to change the world. I wish they'd just report the news.

The "flower children" are mostly retired now. We have a new crop of 20 somethings who don't read nor can they write.

Sorry, wish we could afford better policing, but you know times are tough:


Expect about $1.5B every biennium out of the gen funds budget (of about $15B). Unless we get another stimulus package they can raid.

I know off-topic, but I am p!ssed.

It seems fair to say the O believes that releasing the race of the suspect(s) may lead to stereotyping of certain minority groups to the detriment of the community. I might agree when the description is simply stated for instance as "a black youth". However, when providing such detailed descriptors as height, weight, clothing and other particulars in hopes of identifying the perps it seems to make little sense to delete ethnicity from the story, PC taken too far is poor journalism, not responsible journalism.

Hey, at least the cop didn't fight back. It would have been a whole different story then.

The denial, obfuscation, defensiveness and coddling complex around race has reached dangerous proportions, because it is actually making law-abiding people MORE hostile to non-whites than they would ordinarily be under the circumstances, while making the lawless elements feel more immune and justified in their actions. Hiding race on the part of the press corps is a clear sanction to the mindset of the law-breakers, which is that they are the real victims, and the people they attack just have it coming to them.

A true social sickness, the doctrine of liberalism practiced in Portland, Oregon.

If I was the owner of (or employed by) any convenience store or market located near a park, I'd have a nice big can of pepper spray, ready to deploy in this kind of scenario. You can be sure there will be more of these mob robberies this summer.

Also, can businesses please consider keeping cameras at head level? Nothing worse than a bunch of overhead shots when it comes time to identifying criminals.

The political class has always wanted little Portland to be just like a big modern city.

Well they seem to be succeeding...

like a big modern city

And not like any big modern city, but an effed-up big modern city. But hey, we're progressive, so nothing can go wrong. We're protected by an invisible shield of sustainable righteousness.

I think the photo dispels any notions about race. He appears to be non white. Beyond that, you'd need to ask him how he identifies or do a DNA test.

What's kooky about this are the some of the conclusions posted here. Scary kooky.

If you hate denial, obfuscation, collusion, mendacity, racism and self serving pandering, then don't read police reports.

Better yet, stay away from being mentioned in one.

The fact is the unless your specifically describe skin color (i.e. light brown, olive, tan, pink, etc) racial description are pretty useless. Someone who is "black" could be anywhere from pink to coal black in coloring. Likewise someone described as black could be Latino, East Indian, mixed race, etc. I always say you are only mixed race if you are Halle, Tiger or Obama. If you are a suspect, you are just black. So if someone is brown and mixed race and decides to identify as white, should The O describe them as such? Further would the O readers accepts that self-identification? I would hazard to guess not. It really isn't about O readers tracking down crime suspects from racial descriptions, is it?

"The fact is the unless your specifically describe skin color (i.e. light brown, olive, tan, pink, etc) racial description are pretty useless. Someone who is "black" could be anywhere from pink to coal black in coloring."

These are two of the most asinine comments I've read for quite some time.


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