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Thursday, June 7, 2012

Pill Hill makes a 10 worst list

OHSU is the fifth most expensive public medical school in the country, with in-state tuition almost as high as U.C. Davis. (Speaking of U.C. Davis med school, they've got serious issues beyond tuition rates.) [Via Lund and UO Matters.]

Comments (10)

"OHSU is the fifth most expensive public medical school in the country"

Y'know if they had a football stadium up there right on the other end of the tram we might just be able to subsidize some tuition.

Seriously, explain to me how college costs are going up at a way faster rate than inflation. My only guess would be the availability of "easy" money (you hear the student loan horror stories and how easy it is to get there) and a bad economy bumping demand. The schools see this and why not raise rates?

Nothing grows like tuition, except maybe the cost of medical care. Here you get both.

$37M a year for med school is a veritable bargain compared to $36M a year for law school (spoken as an underemployed lawyer with sizable debt).

The price may well be an issue, but having been a patient, I think their biggest problem at OHSU is dubious ethics.

His briefs were unimpressive, despite the $36 million annual cost of law school.

Raleigh: M= millions ($1,000,000) and K= thousands ($1,000)

Actually, no -- M originally meant a thousand and can still be used for a thousand. Do as the Romans did.

For all you college grads out there, if you haven't gone back to your old school website for awhile and checked their current tuition rates, I would recommend it for a laugh.

I did this recently, and it was a real eye opener. I enjoyed my alma mater and think it was a good education, but I wouldn't pay the current rate to go there today, or send my kid there.

Yeah, as Jack mentioned, here in the finance/banking world M is the preferred abbreviation for thousand with MM being million. We scoff at the unwashed masses who use "k."

Yep, a banker/lawyer. Rather than curing disease I am the cause of a lot of it. But at least I never helped to finance the SoWhat.

Jack, maybe you should make this "M" issue defined in your comment policy.

I still think of M as an abbreviation for million and forget about the roman M. As they say, if it's in the Oregonian.....", or whatever.

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