Ashley's brother busted in alleged hit-and-run coverup

His name is Joshua, and he used to live in Pueblo, Colorado, where the police were originally looking for his sister. And suddenly his Facebook page, on which his sister appeared prominently, has disappeared.
Comments (11)
Third world criminal mindsets have become common in our culture today and proven again in this case where a group willingly participated in a crime and did so with gusto.
Posted by Abe | June 5, 2012 8:29 PM
You kill a pedestrian driving drunk after a Timbers game. So you drive away, and you and the co-worker who's a passenger in your car, along with your brother, try to fix up the car with nobody noticing? That would be as stupid as it was evil.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 5, 2012 8:33 PM
Driving away and trying to cover it up is certainly immoral and most definitely criminal. But I'm not sure it's stupid. I'm kind of surprised they got caught. Good police work. But I'd be interested to hear how they got busted. My guess is they couldn't keep their mouths shut. And too many other people ended up hearing what happened.
Posted by Justin | June 5, 2012 8:47 PM
Their parents must be so proud. This is definitely going in the annual Christmas letter!
Posted by reader | June 5, 2012 8:47 PM
"So you drive away, and you and the co-worker who's a passenger in your car, along with your brother, try to fix up the car with nobody noticing?"
Yeah, evil and stupid!
But also, there was the argument at the convenience store right after the accident a few blocks away from the crime scene. The cameras caught the argument. They saw the car. The cameras are everywhere.
As Scott M. would say: "You have no privacy. Deal with it.". As somebody with nothing to hide, I'm glad for all the CCTV cams. Let the ACLUers squawk all they want, the cameras record the cockroaches as they scurry off when the lights are turned on.
Posted by Harry | June 5, 2012 8:50 PM
The main reason they were caught is they stopped to freak out in the parking lot of the QFC on Barnes and they were seen by at least one person who was paying attention. That put the focus on two women and the black Honda. After that it was just good police work and a couple of observant neighbors who saw the car being repaired.
Posted by reader | June 5, 2012 8:54 PM
They may have identified the car as a black Honda or Acura even without the parking lot witnesses or video. It sounded as though they had a paint sample -- alas, probably from the corpse -- when they pinned it down to a manufacturer and a range of model years. Strong police work, in any event.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 5, 2012 8:59 PM
The question now is, "Will there be more arrests?"
I could easily see more charges related to the attempt to repair the car at the alleged passenger's house in Corbett.
Posted by reader | June 5, 2012 8:59 PM
Personalities like this may attract a certain element as friends, but they also attract dedicated enemies along the way. Tow truck driver, neighbor, co-worker noticing some weird behaviors, (possibly Timber's Army cohorts, but I have no idea if they were Timber's Army people) etc. was just a matter of time before someone realized that something was seriously off and dropped a dime on them. Whatever role brilliant police work played a role in this is hard to tell. Possibly detectives focused on the right sources and something popped up. My bet is that these two have so much attitude that it was someone at work who knew them well, put two and two together and called the cops; but it's pure speculation on my part. It will be interesting to see how all this played out in the end, but that won't bring back a person who certainly didn't deserve to die because a couple of jerks drove home drunk from a soccer match, and left the aftermath of that decision on the side of the road to die without the benefit of a 911 call.
Posted by Usual Kevin | June 5, 2012 9:12 PM
From the now-scrubbed Facebook page, it appeared that the brother and sister were very close. They appeared in so many photos together that I thought they were husband and wife rather than siblings.
Posted by Jack Bog | June 5, 2012 9:23 PM
Jack, it's SOOOOOOO easy to make lots of snide comments based on that observation.
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | June 6, 2012 9:09 AM