
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 25, 2012 8:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was A Portland convention, but not at the Convention Center. The next post in this blog is Williams Avenue left-side bike lane plan in chaos. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, May 25, 2012

Wonder how the Chinese will like it

They've opened up the new Vestas offices in the old Meier & Frank warehouse in the Pearl District. They're some swank digs, and they open just in time for Vestas to either go under or be taken over, probably by its Chinese competitors. Anyway, the photo tour is here. Be sure to pause on this photo of real estate developer Mark Edlen. Bookmark it so you have something to show your children when they ask, "Why did Portland mortgage away our future?" Anything to make guys like this richer, my child.

Comments (5)

Portlanders will continue being forced to pay for these Solyndras until one of them finally succeeds, otherwise the bureacrats won't be able to claim they have "vision".

The photo tour is fascinating, especially picture 2:

"The second floor of the building is a parking garage"

WTF happened to LEED and everyone riding their bikes to this soon-to-be mausoleum.

Is it just me, or does Mark Edlen look like Rupert Murdoch's idiot kid brother?

I used to work in that building when it was still a M&F warehouse.

They actually did a nice job remodeling the place, it just goes to show what you can do with other people's money...

"idiot kid"

Hey, he has one skill like Homer and Steve Janik, he knows how to play politicians for money, so at least he is not the most idiotic person in the town.

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