
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 9, 2012 8:26 PM. The previous post in this blog was Google don't lie. The next post in this blog is More thumbs down for Portland City Hall. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Stenchy's cousin's in the news

He was big enough to play rat ball at Boise State. Now he's leading the Tri-Met strikers.

Comments (8)

Can't afford health benefits, but the billion mystery train to nowhere is no problem.

Bobblehead crony board, old organization with too many layers of management, soaked through and through with government politics, fat with tax revenue... it needs to be blown up and restructured. If Salem won't do it, bankruptcy will.

I want to see a strike on the whole system so that we can see just how much Trimet reduces congestion.

Or how much congestion it causes.


Stenchy must be a universal icon. There's one about a foot tall at our local hardware store. I have no idea what his purpose might be.

Sorry - that was supposed to be a foot or two. He's bigger than what your Stenchy looks.

Hunt from Local 757 is about as far out of touch with reality as McFarlane is. TRIMET, anti union? Local 757 runs TriMet.

There is a good argument that Local 757 is the most anti taxpayer entity in the country, and an inflatable effigy of a pig ought to be labeled as ATU Local 757 President Hunt.

And in other Union news SEIU shuts down a Planned Parenthood Fund Raiser.

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