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Thursday, May 10, 2012

More thumbs down for Portland City Hall

On the heels of yesterday's stinging rebuke, the Trib has another unfavorable opinion survey for Portland's city government:

In a February poll, 58 percent of respondents said they thought Portland was moving in the "right direction." But by late April, when the new poll was taken, the percent has slipped nine points to 47 percent.

At the same time, the number of respondents who said Portland was on the "wrong track" increased nine points from 30 percent to 39 percent.

Forget the gang violence and crumbling schools. Chop down the trees and go by streetcar!

Comments (6)

Adams said when contacted by WW regarding the latest pole, "These poling companies and responders to poles just don't understand how to ask the questions or answer them correctly" In the pole I just ran of my personal staff and current squeeze, all 16 of them, 52% agreed I would have won re-election, Adams said.

Chop down the trees and go by streetcar!

Sounds like a Charlie Hales motto!

He likes the little urban street trees as they aren't in the way of development,
he got the name Chainsaw Charlie for chopping the big ones!
Huge trees, firs and cedars are in the way of smart growth!

Phil, I suspect that Sam's actual response is closer to "Well, my mom thinks I'm cool."

Obviously, the people who responded to this poll just need to be educated through a series of public meetings and charrettes.

Once a 24-year-old planner who just moved here from Denver explains that their opinions are wrong and retrograde, they'll see that City Hall is doing a great job, and expecting streets to actually be covered in pavement is the "old thinking."

Stumping them on the stump in Stumptown....it's Stumpendous!

Portland: "The City That Stumps."

"old thinking?" - is that what they are teaching planners and others across the country these days?

There is apparently a lot of propaganda towards "old." Does it include our "old" country that needs to get with the new global world, our "old" Constitution which doesn't need to be paid so much attention to, whatever works now, "old" ideas such as the Golden Rule, of do unto to others as you would have do unto you? I imagine to some the liberty/freedom days are a bit “old” too, we are in a new era now.

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