
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 30, 2012 7:13 PM. The previous post in this blog was A Welches con man on two wheels. The next post in this blog is Burnside killer driver hiding out in Colorado?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Nanny state says your Coke can't be more than 16 ounces

You'll have to buy two -- or go to a grocery store.

But you can have as big a poison diet drink as you want.

This is going to make you healthy.

Sure it is.

Comments (16)

Will this nonsense never end?

According to the chart, you can't buy a sweetened coffee (or tea) larger than 16 ounces.

I guess we won't be having this law come to the Northwest any time soon.

But, you'll still be able to buy as much alcohol as you want?


Government pays for more than half of the healthcare costs in the US. So of course the government has an interest in improving public health. It can only get more invasive.

Get used to it.

More of the socialist creep.

I was about to tell TR how stupid he was about equating the nanny state with socialism. How socialism is not the root of all evil and using it as a derogatory word is just knee jerk ignorant bullcrap.

Then I realized that in this case he is 100% correct...:-)

I've gained a little weight recently and I think it is the government's fault.

Silly me, I thought the government's proper role was to protect people's freedoms, not infringe on them.

Might make more sense to curtail the subsidies for sugar. But of course a city can't do that. Another option: include the cost of treatment for diabetes in the drink price.

What do you so-called libertarians think its appropriate to do about the obesity pandemic in the US, particularly the 35% of kids who are now overweight or worse?


I think you have it partially right, end subsidies, not just for sugar but for corn, wheat, and everything else as well.

The biggest thing is to actually read the available research, and maybe perform some additional research, and then modify the recommended SAD (Standard American Diet). More than anything I think it is the prescribed diet that is causing a lot of health problems. Low-fat high-carb diets are killing us, and until they admit they were wrong and correct the recommended diet things are only going to get worse. They also need to correct all of their wrong information/recommendations about cholesterol and stop prescribing statins in 90+% of the cases.

Next up: faucets that automatically shut off after 16 ounces of water are dispensed.

"Another option: include the cost of treatment for diabetes in the drink price."

It seems like you're trying to connect Type 2 Diabetes to sugar consumption, which isn't correct, it's being obese that leads to higher risks of developing Type 2 Diabetes, whether the weight gain be from Snicker Bars or Big Macs.

There's been a fair amount of research linking diet sodas with continued appetite for more drinks. Apparently the artificial sugars really don't quench one's craving for sweetness. Not to mention the various chemical compositions for many of the artificial sweeteners.

Is Canada becoming this bad?

Jo - 'government' pays for nothing, it only takes and redistributes.

It seems like you're trying to connect Type 2 Diabetes to sugar consumption, which isn't correct, it's being obese that leads to higher risks of developing Type 2 Diabetes,

Sure, obesity is a risk factor. But high glycemic-index diets are too. Obesity often coexists with type-2 diabetes but high sugar doses will directly increase your insulin resistance.

You might enjoy this.

What do you so-called libertarians think its appropriate to do about the obesity pandemic in the US, particularly the 35% of kids who are now overweight or worse?

Make individuals more responsible for their health care costs.

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