
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 22, 2012 7:52 PM. The previous post in this blog was Accused Portland cop resigns. The next post in this blog is Beauty's where you find it. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Mrs. Gatsby's got bun in oven

The senator's 63. His wife's 51. They have 4-year-old twins. But she's preggers with another. Exciting in times in New York, where they all live. We sincerely wish them good luck. Pregnancy at her age is risky. Of 4.1 million babies born in the United States in 2009, only 569 were to mothers aged 50 to 54.

Comments (15)

They both need to retire.....

I really feel sorry for him, having to live so far away from his young family.

Oregon's Senator Whythen.

Good luck to them.

The first of the "sponsored links" under the story reads: "53yr Old Woman, Looks 25." Ah, the irony.

So Ron Gatsby Wyden will be 84, if he out lives his prostate cancer, when this one graduates from college, and Nancy will be 72....
Hummm...one wonders what medical interventions were employed to achieve this goal?
Maybe a puppy would have been a better choice if they wanted to add on to their family.

Responsible parents there... Not

I totally agree with Portland Native!!

Definitely should have gotten a puppy.

They have children of their own , and
it is clearly dangerous to conceive at her age.

Why not adopt , Wyden ?

The world is up to it's ears in starving poor kids , a moral person who wants kids could adopt.

Even Brangelia got that right....

Look at it this way. This should keep Wyden off the Medicare rolls. Under the new law he'll likely be holding on to his family plan in the FEHBP until he is 90 years old, assuming he lives that long.

Best wishes to them. How they conceive and raise their family is their business, not ours.

It isn't mine.

It greatly affects where Wyden spends his time. Which in case you haven't noticed, is New York, not Oregon. He now has a high-risk-pregnant wife and two four-year-old children who all live in Manhattan and rarely come west. It's time for him to step down as the senator from Oregon. He's completely out of touch with the people he's supposed to represent.

He voted against the ability of small farmers to speak well of the things they grow, even if they quote Harvard studies. That seems targeted to play better in NYC than here. We have an obesity epidemic, and cherry growers are gagged? Why do our senators vote this way? If they don't answer this, people will guess about why.

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