
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 24, 2012 11:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was How much longer will the O be a daily paper?. The next post in this blog is Philly folks think Mitt's the pits. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Hef me, Rhonda

Widmer's flagship beer is losing market share to competitors, but they're going full tilt on Russell Street with new brands.

Comments (6)

I am glad that they have started making gluten-free beer, under the Omission brand, and that it actually tastes really good. So many of the other gluten-free beers are just crap.

Who wants a turbid beer anyways?

This is Oregon, the economy sucks, wages are low and unemployment is high. PBR @ $2.50 a pint, Widmer at $4.50 to $5.00, what are you gonna drink?

This is Oregon, the economy sucks, wages are low and unemployment is high. PBR @ $2.50 a pint, Widmer at $4.50 to $5.00, what are you gonna drink?

Widmer. At gunpoint is the only reason to drink PBR.

Jon, you are just tuned to Portland hype. The reason for drinking any alcohol beverages is to get lit. Look at the Bojack post about B students, they would drink PBR. Yuppies and all thier tastes and habits are so phoney and condesending. Beer is an aquired taste in any case, so don't be such a snob.

The brewery's concern may be on gluten-free now, but if they don't exert pressure on elected officials to save our Bull Run water from added toxic chemicals or a river blend, they will have many more additional problems to deal with.

The microbrewery industry needs to do a serious look at what is going on in our community regarding the water! The rates alone can be brutal, but just as problematic or even more so, will be the properties of the water with which the industry makes their brew. In my opinion, the water bureau can no longer be trusted here. It makes me wonder what the industry has been told about the water as I would think the brewers would be very concerned about any negative changes in the water. How for example does the Columbia well field water affect the taste?

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