
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on May 6, 2012 9:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was Meanwhile, in pro basketball.... The next post in this blog is The night was clear, and the moon was yellow.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, May 6, 2012

And on the ice...

The Portland Winterhawks are playing for the championship of the Western Hockey League. Their seven-game league final series against the Edmonton Oil Kings is tied up at 1 game each as the teams come to Portland for contests this evening and on Tuesday. The winner gets possession of the Ed Chynoweth Cup, which if we're not mistaken Portland hasn't seen since 1998.

The Rose Garden is actually sold out for this evening's game, but it will be shown on the Root cable network (which is Channel 34 on our TV). Faceoff is at 6:00. Go Winterhawks!

UPDATE, 8:37 p.m.: It was a little shaky at the end there, but the Portland team held on to win. Way to go.

Comments (7)

What a racist image... is that really the mascot for the Winterhawks? Somebody should complain...

With those high cheek bones and slanted forehead, does the mascot look a lot like Elizabeth Warren?

With those high cheek bones and slanted forehead, does the mascot look a lot like Elizabeth Warren?

Do you mean Elizabeth "Fauxcahontas Crockagawea" Warren?

As to the Hawks' logo, blame the Chicago Blackhawks. That's who the original owners of the Winterhawks bought their jerseys from (they were surplus) in their first year back in 1976.

At least The Zero will print "Winterhawks". I believe they don't print "Blackhawks" for the same reason they don't print "Redskins".

BTW, I've been a season ticket holder for 21 years. It's amazing how many Timbers and Blazer fans have jumped on our bandwagon of late.

LL, you mean there won't be a nil-nil score at the end of the evening? :-)

Man, did the comments here go off into nitwitsville. I'm going back outside for the rest of the afternoon.

I second your sentiments Mojo!

Great game and a great crowd at the RG. But man, did they ever try to give that game away in the third period. Edmonton way outplayed them and damn near pulled it off. Go Hawks!

Finally, a winning team. Who knows what will happen if and when they meet my French speaking brothers back east. Fans attending the game should know that the Black Keys are playing at the Rose Garden tonight, so good luck on traffic.

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