
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on April 25, 2012 6:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was New Fukushima problem: groundwater. The next post in this blog is The zombie hotel project rises again. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, April 25, 2012

WW picks: Hales, Nolan, Novick

No surprises there, just disappointment. They're also fine with the status quo on the Multnomah County commission. Let the boondoggles roll on.

There are other options. Our picks are here.

Comments (10)

Look on the bright side, the debt number is up to $11,000/capita (10% gain in

This group oughta eclipse that growth rate even faster and allow CoP to fall of its own weight like an over-ripe piece of fruit.

Hales, Nolan, and Novick ... and you thought SamRand were bad ...

The most telling line of the entire article:

"Voters will find 23 names on the ballot. Only three deserve your serious attention."

Thanks for narrowing it down for us, and then steering us right to Charlie Hales, WW. I can think for myself, thank you.

Not one sentence mentioning Scott Fernandez while fully acknowledging that Hales is a lying piece of crap. What a joke.

Only three deserve your serious attention?

How about only three who will continue the agenda
will be presented to you for serious attention?

Water is life, water is jobs, high rates will not be good for the people or businesses.
The "three" have essentially not addressed the elephant in the room seriously.
I think we know where they stand, they have failed on our critical water issue.
They have had months and many debates to do so,
For them to bring it up now, would be too late showing them to be disingenuous.

We must retain ownership of our water and not lose our rights to regional ownership or privatization.

Citizens for Portland's Water endorse:


Charlie Hales works for HDR.
He has been promoting streetcars for them.
How protective would he be of our water?
In my opinion, he would be the fox in the hen house, not likely to save our ownership, as he has talked about regional plans. HDR is in the water business.


Hales repeatedly invoked his more detailed knowledge of Portland government, from the importance of relations with the suburban customers of the Bull Run water system to the region's eight different overlapping governmental entities.

I thought for sure they'd plump for their boy Jeffy. After all, they both have the same constituency of young(er), hipster progressive types.

I'm not sure the Willy Week still has the younger, hipster types. I think they have evolved to the geriatic hippie types.

That's long been my impression as well. Since at least the early '90s when they endorsed Measure 5, WW has basically been the house organ for the West Hills, Clintonite, I've-got-mine-Jack, semi-liberal set, who don't really want much change of any kind. To say these people are mostly getting on in years is to put it mildly. The Mercury is the closest thing Portland has to an "alternative" weekly.

It will be enlightening to see if this blog makes an impact in this primary.

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