
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 21, 2012 12:45 AM. The previous post in this blog was Yes, but he's *our* useful idiot. The next post in this blog is Isaac says Kate Brown got it wrong. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Willy Week endorses Hales

Well, not exactly. Not yet, anyway. But this moderately unflattering portrait of their former fair-haired boy, Jefferson Smith, strongly indicates that they won't be backing him. And given their constant roughing-up of Eileen Brady, it seems almost a certainty that they'll ultimately support Hales. "He's got the experience," yada yada yada.

Of the three major mayoral candidates, only Smith has created something that is distinctly his. Hales ran city bureaus and worked in private business. Brady has management and marketing experience but has not run anything.

All three of them are unacceptable. We suggest a vote for Scott Fernandez or Max Brumm.

Comments (13)

A reminder that Charlie helped take money from schools, social services, fire and police departments to give to condo bunker developers:



I can remember the old pre-election puff pieces published about Neil. Jefferson’s supporters seem to come from the same congregation.

And Willie Week just discovered that JefferSam is a "man-child who really is incapable of running a $3.5 billion business with over 7,000 employees?
They are bigger idiots than he is!

Smith says his attempts at levity with voters make canvassing bearable. “I can only do this if it’s fun,” he says.

Mocking the very voters he’s trying to woo captures the essential contradictions of Jefferson Smith.

Great. Another man-child only interested in fun. And how does he define fun? Apparently, confusing and mocking voters is a biggie. What can you say about a cult of personality that idolizes someone characterized by "so many WTF moments"? What is wrong with those who find that type of leadership "delightful"? God save us from the smart kids.

This guy is a lunatic hiding behind the mask of ADHD. Please Portland, use your brain for a change and put a grown-up in the Mayors office. There is a long list of grown-ups to choose from, Smith is not one of them.

So...In the window of a local watering hole is a sign for another contender....Anybody know anything about Steve Sung?

I'm pretty surprised, thought the Willy was in the bag for Smith. If he's truly serious about making a push for mayor, he'd be better served doing a few more terms in the legislature, getting some meaningful work done, and coming back a more polished, grounded candidate. I think however, this is just the next box to check on his road to what he sees as his destiny (Governor, Senator, etc.), so the train wreck will continue.

Useful Idiot.
Village Idiot.
Man-Child Idiot.

From a different thread, but the same old song:
v perley: Oregon got what it voted for....
And what it wanted...
And what it deserved...
More Wyden.
More of the same.
Oregon will only get more so.

Where have the adults gone? WTF, indeed!

“Get some shoes on,” Smith said.

I'd have told him to get a job.

His brother's name is Lincoln? Whole frickin' family is delusional.

Hey, Joe: you're out of the Church now, can you tell us where your great-great-great-uncle left the golden tablets?

When will WW interview and research the fourth candidate Scott Fernandez? Without an agenda and a bent?

So if I vote for Trey Arrow will it really be a throw away??

Nah, this is just a distractor to make us think they're really not decided. The Smith endorsement article is already pasted up; this is just to throw us off the scent. The article will have some pre-emptory blather about how Smith is not an ideal candidate, has many worrisome traits, blah, blah, blah. But in the end they'll swoon over his charm and "vision" and anoint him the "best choice for Portland."

IMHO, anyway.

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