Dave Hunt cries "Tea"
Parks, and Kremer, and Mannix, oh my! The former Oregon House speaker has sent around an e-mail message pointing out the obvious fact that one of his opponents is getting campaign money from the tighty righties:

The problem, of course, is that Hunt has several other opponents. Even if voters don't like the Tea Party and think it is behind John Ludlow, there are several alternatives to choose from.
Comments (11)
I'm always amused when politicians accuse each other of lying but never get around to the details of exactly what lies are being told about them.
Sort of like when Bob Packwood was running around apologizing during his Senate twilight but refused to say specifically what he was apologizing for, only that he didn't "get it," whatever that means.
For most of these guys, public service means the public getting serviced and without being kissed.
Based on this piece of political porn, the best thing Dave Hunt can say about himself is "My opponent is worse."
Posted by The Other Jimbo | April 20, 2012 10:43 AM
Let's see read thru this several times looking for anything Dave Hunt has done or will do for Clack county and saw exactly nothing.
God, I'd love to have any politician / any level tell us about their real plans instead of how lousy the other guys are.
Posted by Steve | April 20, 2012 10:51 AM
Dave Hunt wants to export Portland planning to Clackamas County. Ludlow doesn't. That's what this election is all about.
Posted by Robert Collins | April 20, 2012 11:01 AM
Hunt is losing his touch. He forgot the Koch Bros. AFP, sprawl, anti-livability, NeoCons for a 30% sales tax and several other boogeymen.
It's all quite funny. Since the Clackistani rebellion has been a county wide grassroots effort (the likes of which the region has never seen), Hunt is in pandemonium looking to drum up some base of support.
But with 3-386 Urban Renewal Initiative Measure massed by %70 with more Ds voting in that election than Rs Hunt may be splitting that 30% with Lehan the other Light Rail mafioso.
Hunt complaining about a "Super PAC trying to buy the election" is a hoot. As if his donors aren't trying to buy his election to keep control?
Mannix's PAC is a surprise and likely just some Salem enemies Hunt has made. And he has many in both parites.
The whole "tea party" play is as weak as it gets. There is no tea "party" or tea party funding or tea party scheme "behind" the Clackistanis or Ludlow's campaign.
The rebellion itself is far beyond any group.
Kremer is anything but anti-school. Fighting the CIMCAM that Hunt defended, helping to establish many public charters schools and a public online virtual school (which Hunt repeatedly tied to kill) is not anti-school.
Nevada resident Parks owns 4 Oregon businesses but has nothing to do with the rebellion, Ludlow or any "takeover". He merely found the effort worthy of supporting.
The Oregon Transformation Project PAC encouraged donors to help out with the right to vote initiatives and replacing the board with commissioners who would give the residents what they want.
And the ultimate question: Why is it that Hunt and his light rail mafia establishment insist they must contol everything?
Their establishment has been the ones buying every board and council for years.
Ludlow would represent the 70% who passed 3-386 and the 80% who will pass the Rail Vote Measure 3-401 in September.
Regarding the chair race. All 3 chief petitioners for the Rail Vote initiative M 3-401 support John Ludlow for very good reasons:
Lake Oswego city councilor Mary Olson knows Chair Ludlow will support their continued effort to stop the streetcar and Homer's Foothills.
Oak Lodge water board member Jim Knapp (also running for commissioner) knows Chair Ludlow will oppose the $25 million payment to TriMet and help the McLoughlin residents reject the Metro's unwanted plans for their community.
Damascus Mayor Steve Spinnett knows Chair Ludlow will aggressively lobby Metro and the legislature for reforms needed to allow them to craft an acceptable plan for their new city.
A chair Hunt on the other hand would continue the status quo effort to adopt everything the Clackistanis do not want.
How fun it would be to see Ludlow get the 50%+1 in May and watch all of usual "stakeholders" in the region panic when John lobbies congress to de-fund the Mystery Train.
Vote Ludlow!
Posted by RailVote3-401 | April 20, 2012 11:30 AM
Hey Steve,
Dave does say what he stands for:
1) Collecting money.
2) Stuffing the ballot box.
3) "Listening" to constituents, which today is shorthand for "Pretending citizens' views impact matters that have already been decided." Dave says he's going to have one of these little bull sessions in every town in the county. I'm sure he won't turn down cash contributions, either.
Posted by The Other Jimbo | April 20, 2012 12:13 PM
Dead on, Jimbo. And Hunt certainly can't run as a "uniter". Almost makes me wish I still lived in Clackamas County.
Ludlow is to Sam Adams as matter is to antimatter. When Solopower (think that's the one) went to Wilsonville, promising jobs in exchange for an $11 million handout, Ludlow told them to get lost. So they went running to Portland, where Sam was waving a $40 million check.
And they're going to be another Solyndra - the "products" (thin-film photovoltaics bonded directly to roofing material) are essentially identical.
I don't have a dog in the Clackistani fight, aside from a strong desire to see it succeed. Mine's in SW Portland/Washington County, where an odd mix of folks - including some TEA party/AFP folks, Repubs, Indies, and Dems - have looked at the successes in Clackistan and hope to expand on it by getting a public vote on rail proposals before the usual suspects start claiming that it's "Too Big To Fail".
Because despite the successes in Clackistan, PMLR is going to be built and actual transit services will be cannibalized there. They got off to a late start. And unlike Hunt's hysterical claims, TEA types weren't involved. Certainly, the folks who own the Bomber and who had the coffee stand in front of it aren't affiliates of any "radical" organizations - yet the County came down on them really hard.
Posted by Max | April 20, 2012 2:41 PM
Meet John Ludlow:
Posted by Mark Ellis | April 20, 2012 4:23 PM
It's remarkable that Hunt's email is mostly name-calling, then associating people with groups, movements, etc. without any factual basis. He's desperate as he should be.
He's misread the tealeaves. Most of the citizens behind the questioning of our supposed regional priorities in Washington and Clackamas Counties aren't members of Hunt's named organizations. They merely want the chance to vote on several Measures to help give direction to set policy for the politicians.
Posted by lw | April 20, 2012 4:40 PM
Hunt's shrieks are the modern day equivalent of "waving the bloody shirt."
Hunt doesn't want to discuss the issues of the day for fear of turning off democrats.
When Hunt talks about his policies he has to do so in code. When he talks about the opposition he heaps on the labels and leaves out the issues. I'm kind of surprised he didn't just Photoshop a tri-corner hat over a picture of Ludlow.
This race is about the direction of Clackamas County. IMO here are the four choices:
Chair Lehan is an inept Metro clone.
Elect her and Clackamas will keep stumbling in the same general direction. Count on her to continue staring blankly at her constituents while they gather up feathers and begin heating tar.
Dave Hunt is a cunning career politician.
Elect him and Clackamas will zig-zag in the same general direction as he wheels and deals to extend his influence. Count on him to give you a weather report as he relieves himself on your leg.
Paul Savas is an empty vessel.
Elect him and Clackamas will meander while he wrestles with all the internal conflicts that only he comprehends. When a plan of action is needed, you can count on him to deliver vexing soliloquies.
John Ludlow is an agent of change.
If you ask him about Light rail, Metro, urban renewal, land use, budget audits, etc., he tells you where he stands. Count on him to clean house.
Posted by PanchoPDX | April 20, 2012 4:57 PM
Hunt is a command and control liberal straight out of central casting. He should move to either Portland or Eugene where command and control liberals are in demand.
Ludlow is the only guy who makes any sense in this race.
Lehan is even more of a control freak than Hunt. Lehan is the nanny in nanny state.
Posted by Andy | April 20, 2012 6:17 PM
Boy this is good stuff.
It appears people are getting it.
The prospect of Ludlow winning in May and watching all of the Hunts and Lehans around the region squirm is exhilarating.
I don't think it will take much of a push top make it happen.
Just a few more good people spreading the word and May 15th will be a day of major reversal.
Posted by RailVote3-401 | April 20, 2012 6:31 PM