
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 20, 2012 11:41 AM. The previous post in this blog was "Public involvement"? Well, sort of.. The next post in this blog is Hanford: It's still there. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Tri-Met's money, five years later

Here's a flashback to 2007 that makes pretty interesting reading today.

"There is a finite supply of operational funding, and anyone who says otherwise is not telling the truth," Newman said.

Also, TriMet is under pressure to invest in bus service to reverse a decline in spending, frequency and ridership in recent years. Some transit advocates fear that devoting all the increase in payroll taxes to rail projects will leave bus service out in the cold.

"First and foremost, bus service should be improved," said Jim Howell, a former TriMet planner and member of the Association of Oregon Rail and Transit Advocates.

Now, isn't that a cruel joke.

Comments (6)

In TriMet's infinite wisdom, they hand picked a light rail project manager with exactly ZERO experience actually operating any sort of facility and named him the General Manager.

And now he's out and about claiming that building rail lines doesn't cost TriMet anything; rail is cheaper than bus, blah blah blah.

And that service cuts are always the last resort...but when there's a huge I.T., Marketing, and Capital Planning (his old department) departments, a wasteful WES commuter rail service and a questionable subsidy by TriMet to the City of Portland for its Streetcar...service cuts suddenly are no longer at the end of the list, but bumped right up to the front of the line.

I find it instructive that the local media never calls them out on these lies.

Cruel indeed!

Tri-Met is officially changing their name to better reflect their new world disorder:


Local media is supported either largely or entirely by paid advertising, i.e, sponsors. Why would they publish news that sponsors would rather keep out of sight?

It's the dishonesty I find most offensive and Fred Hansen was as big a liar as Sam Adams.
Now mcfarlane thinks misleading people is a normal management style.
PMLR is a 7 mile long string of lies that will sacrifice
Years of bus service for countless people

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