
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 22, 2012 9:42 AM. The previous post in this blog was Ringmaster of Portland debt circus makes a move. The next post in this blog is Bureaucracy, technology, catastrophe. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, March 22, 2012

The people! United! Don't want to get wet!

We are not making this up: The Occupy Oswego Lake protest has been postponed until the weather gets nicer. It may be a while. Sheesh, you would think that freedom fighters would show a little more intestinal fortitude.

Comments (14)

Freedom fighters would and do. Occu-poopers don't - just like they really don't do much of anything outside of make a spectacle of themselves and smell, my goodness but they smell.

Complete this sentence:

One man's freedom fighter may be the other's terrorist, but one man's Occu-pooper is the other's _______________.

Geeze Louise it's cold out too! Maybe in August?!

These Portlandia episodes just write themselves, huh?

Has anyone told these folks that the lake that they're fighting to access is also wet?

It's about TV. The cameras are all over the tundra covering Old Man Winter's goodbye kiss.

Maybe in August?

Oh, yeah!

The stench from the algea will provide just the cover they need!

All the world over, so easy to get
People everywhere don't wanna be wet.
Listen, please listen, that's the way you should bet
Peace in the valley, occupiers are set.

Complete this sentence:

"Freakin' pest"?

Cell phone reception is sometimes difficult in inclement weather and that would make it hard to communicate with their friends in the media for setting up photo ops and stuff.

Proof the Occu-poopers are not only idiots, they are wimps.

Sounds like Occupiers are more partners than protesters. I am shocked.

That's supposed to say partiers, not partners. Oops.

OWS is SOOO 2011!

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