
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 5, 2012 5:28 PM. The previous post in this blog was Cha-ching! Ken Rust is now a lobbyist.. The next post in this blog is Kevin Pratt. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Portland to throw another $15 million on plastic

This time it's for a new police training facility out on Airport Way. The bonds will be "tax revenue" bonds, meaning that property taxes will be used to pay them. The "full faith and credit" of the city (such as it is) will stand behind the IOU's, which will run for 10 years. The city is budgeting debt service of $1,785,000 a year on the bonds, which works out to an interest rate of 3.29%.

The official press release is here.

The police currently train at the otherwise empty, never-occupied Wapato Jail. Apparently that is not good enough. Wonder how many gang prevention and gang enforcement people that $1.785 million a year would buy.

The city's long-term debt, not counting unfunded retirement obligations, is about $3.3 billion.

Comments (10)

I read about that possibility a while back; apparently it's way out on Airport Way, and used to be a trucking facility or some such thing. Anyway, it has enough space for the cops to practice driving, enough space for shooting ranges, and space for other training activities. If I recall correctly, they presently send cops to Camp Withycomb for shooting, to PIR for driving, and someplace downstate for other stuff. I believe their only function at Wapato is to guard and admire the artwork (hey, no point in having it unless can see it).

Make that: (hey, no point in having it unless somebody can see it).

The only training PPD does at Camp Withycombe anymore is in their shoot house on the east end of the post.
PPD used to lease a building on post but had to find other space in town when the Guard needed that building for a unit pending the new armory that opened last year.
Camp Withycombe hasn't had active pistol or rifle ranges for a good 10 years now since a state legislator by the name of Snodgress got them closed.
So now the Guard units station in the Portland area have to travel to either Camp Adair south of Monmouth or all the way to the coast to Camp Rilea.

Washington County rents space at a private firearms club.

Clackamas County has a nice indoor shooting range that's open to the public and makes money.

McMinnville found a secluded space on their airport grounds that is worthless for anything else and sends the cops out there.

Portland...sends their cops PAST Clackamas County, PAST Washington County, PAST McMinnville...

I'm surprised that the Greenies that control Portland politics don't have PIR shut down...and Portland Police could take over that facility. Of course, when it's not in use by bicycle races.

New! Shiny! Expensive! Candy!
I want it now! Buy me this!
Just like a 2 year old at the grocery check out.

Maybe it has something to do with this...


They could call it Camp Adams.

I just read about some guy who opened one of those simulated "real-life" shooting courses in Tualatin. You know, where people pop up as you make your way down the street and you have to decide in a split second if it's a good guy or bad guy. It's open to the public, but I believe it said several of the smaller police departments (like Tualatin) are looking at using it for training.

Why does Portland need all it's own dedicated facilities? Seems to me they could use a facility like the one in Tualatin, the shooting range in Clackamas and PIR sounds like a dandy place to drive. Those are the kind of public/private partnerships I could get behind.

All the money spent on paying interest to millionaires could have been used for public safety if our City Council used the budgeting process instead of our credit card.

The ANG base has a range on it. I know that for a fact. The city is like a compulsive spender, who sits and watches QVC, palms sweating, pulling out which ever card has enough room on it to buy the latest shiny toy that will make them appear to have the latest and greatest.

One argument for this is maybe they can cut down the cost of insurance with better training, but I doubt it.

This sort of crap will continue as long as the enablers in the local media salivate for an official press release instead of being journalists.

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