
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on March 5, 2012 10:44 AM. The previous post in this blog was OHSU-PSU "urban renewal" scheme revs up. The next post in this blog is They're talking about snow again. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, March 5, 2012

Liberation, or glib oration?

Our multi-talented buddy Bill McDonald has come up with a musical message for the bombastic politicians of our day.

Comments (6)

Isn't "bloviate way too much" redundant, ie, bloviatious in its own right? Kidding! Mr. McDonald, that is fabulous. Aimed & executed.

From my recent observations, "smart" oversells the current candidate menu.

Lovely job, Bill.

From my recent observations, "smart" oversells the current candidate menu.

Lovely job, Bill.

Until I re-read the title I thought the lyrics said 'Snark Talking Fool' and it was a for a LarsLarson birthday roast ... almost sentimental if we don't have him to kick around much longer.

Good show, Bill, good show.

Shot that video over the last couple of days, didn't ya? ;-)

Oh this is fabulous. Very funny, Bill.

Then there are the “smart” people pretending to be stupid!:

With a hayseed in their teeth
and a MBA degree,
they’ll rile the brownshirt yahoos up
while laughing up their sleeves

(Iinsert chorus here. Could have something to do with lizards....)

They put aside their tailored suits,
smear cowpoop on their cowboy boots,
then clutch their guns and say they’ll shoot
if you ask them where they got their loot...

? chorus
They're the lizards
whoa whoa whoa
the lizards....


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