
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 23, 2012 8:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Blazers stuck in a loop. The next post in this blog is A vital public service. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, February 23, 2012

"Urban Planning Overlord" suddenly gets religion

Now that we have figured out who he is, and announced that we will be revealing his name tomorrow, the Lake Oswego-resident government official who blogs under the pseudonym "Urban Planning Overlord" says he is sorry about all the attacks, insults, and baiting he has inflicted on us over the years. And inspired by his Ash Wednesday church service, he says, he'll never do any of that again. Apparently that pledge -- along with his suggestion that we might be wrong about who he is -- is supposed to get us to keep his identity secret.

Why would we do that? Although it would be a great relief to get this man out of our face, not disclosing his identity now would just make us an accomplice to his cowardly exploits. We're not the only one he has pummeled over the years -- on a personal level -- and if he keeps blogging in anonymity, we surely won't be the last.

As for questioning the accuracy of our conclusion, we have no doubt whatsoever that we have the right guy. We wouldn't publish a name without complete confidence in the identification.

We suggest that if he's really that contrite, "Urban Planning Overlord" break down and reveal his identity himself, and spare us the burden of doing it. He's a smart enough guy, and if handled properly, a blog under his real name would be something he can look back at with pride somewhere down the road. He's written signed newspaper op-eds and internet book reviews that are intelligent and thoughtful, and we have no doubt that he could contribute a great deal to civic discourse with a signed website.

But much of his vitriol on "Urban Planning Overlord" has gone over the line, and it has abused the anonymity that the internet has afforded him. We think it's time to change that dynamic.

Meanwhile, we're amused by the fact that the three anonymous bloggers whom we've had to "out" over the years have all been government employees or politicians, and none of them lived in Portland while they were attacking us. First there was "Torrid Joe," a.k.a. Mark Bunster, a Portland Fire Bureau employee who lived in the Lake Grove section of Lake Oswego; then came "Oregon Reality," a.k.a. Robert Canfield, a member of the Troutdale City Council; and now we have "Urban Planning Overlord" from the Mountain Park section of Lake Oswego. In every case, they attacked us personally for our views on the governance of the City of Portland -- where we live, and they don't.

Comments (39)

Very well said, especially the last sentence.

Gimme that old time religion!

Do as I say, not as I do.

It will never happen, but it would be nice to have some sort of residency requirement for our public leaders. They need to step up to the plate and fix the problem, not move away from it.

I don't know. I suppose anyone who's arrogant enough to claim they represent the wishes of nearly everyone else deserves to be taken down a notch or two.

C'mon, Mr. B. Inquiring minds need to know!

If the Overlord did in fact work for the City of Simi Valley, California, that gives Simi Valley three claims to fame. It's also the home of the Reagan library, and it's the former home of Charles Manson.

Try as I might, I have not been able to work up any sympathy for UPO, especially after that treacly and sanctimonious death-bed conversion and unsolicited foregiveness for the sins you've committed against him (which was simply to plant the suggestion that you have somehow sinned against him).

There's a case to be made for anonymity on the interwebs, but UPO has done a really good job making the case against.

What Larry said...

Perhaps, as penance, the UPO could lead a 12-step program in re-education for local city planners and related power-motivated professionals?

I love public floggings. Embarrassment and/or attritions are his best chances to be saved from the dark side. Maybe he will advocate for good public policy in the future.
Then again, I'm pretty sure he will be a closet enemy forever waiting to pounce.

LOL quite a little Amen Corner we have here from all the people who use pseudonyms to comment.

As Orphan Annie said, Tomorrow, tomorrow is only a day away!!!

LOL quite a little Amen Corner we have here from all the people who use pseudonyms to comment.

Oh, ho, ho, ho!

What a card.

In every case, they attacked us personally for our views on the governance of the City of Portland -- where we live, and they don't.

Is it these types don't care if our nest is fouled, as long as they don't live here and we are just supposed to accept the downward spiral of what once was a livable city?

We get a double whammy here, our quality of living here is taken, and the process by which it is done is less than stellar, quite underhanded and the citizens who object are treated shabbily. We are then to be quiet about it and not be outraged? In my opinion, there are far too many people benefiting from the agenda here that don't like us pointing out the emperor has no clothes.

Unfortunately the scene is that many need to be concerned about retaliation from the city as well, when commenting.

George, that's not an actual display of contrition. That's a half-apology, mostly intended to squeal "Please don't get me in trouble." I'm always amazed at the people who push and push and PUSH behind an alias, and then who suddenly find religion when they're about to be outed. (And yes, that can be literal, too.) It always reminds me of fratboys hoping to throw themselves on the mercy of the court when charged with multiple felonies, because if they get off, they don't change their lives. They just get sneakier about their trespasses in the future.

I sometimes have fun shocking people by repeating the refrain, "all the interesting people are Catholic". Now that UPO has abased himself in this supplicating pose, I think I'll repeat it some this week.

I particularly like the line "given my Lenten mood, I apologize for any hurt I have caused".

So what's going to happen once the Lenten mood lifts?

The UPO must have missed the teachings found within Matthew 6:16-18 in his catechism class.

As long as the Overlord behind the curtain is bringing religion into the discussion, not that I buy it necessarily, I'll just say that one Christian path might be to bring the anonymous poster to the brink of being outed (he's obviously sweating bullets) and then forgive him and walk away.

Only Mr. Bogdanski can make that call here.

Full disclosure: I am paid to report on and undermine transportation overlords, under a real byline.

Looks like a case of "by their fruits ye shall know them." Jack's being biblical enough for me.

If the Overlord did in fact work for the City of Simi Valley, California, that gives Simi Valley three claims to fame. It's also the home of the Reagan library, and it's the former home of Charles Manson.

Site of the trial of the LAPD officers accused of beating Rodney King. So that's a fourth strike for Simi Valley.

Its my understanding from the other thread on the UPO that the UPO's blog has been uploaded and maintained for years over the Internet connections / ISP addresses of at least two separate taxpayer funded government entities (Clackamas ESD and one other which I don't currently recall)..

If my understanding is correct, UPO really should be publically (sp?) identified.

It really bugs me when public employees put public assets to their own personal use.

It really bugs me when public employees put public assets to their own personal use.

Especially when they're sitting on their public asses using public assets.

I think the problem is the anonymity afforded by the internet in the first place. Every other Thursday, I put my opinions on the pages of the Oregonian, under my own name, and am attacked by a bunch of cowardly, anonymous protesters who wouldn't say what they say to my face or in polite company.

If you have the courage of your convictions, post under your actual name.

UPO and Mrs. G both!


Wow, that Paschal candle might go off like a Roman candle (er, so to speak) after forty days of silence.

If you have the courage of your convictions, post under your actual name.

Bogus attempt, there, Dave. I've been writing on the networks since before the W3 existed, and I chose to use a pseudonym at that time for valid safety reasons.

Unintentionally, the name became a brand over the years.

Ya don't change the name of your ketchup because some wannabe politician thinks you should call it "Kerry Sauce".

You should know better.

If UPO is who I think it is, he lives in a house with a Walk Score of 35.

I guess it is better than Jeff Joslin's place with a score of 6!

I've always used a pseudonym to post to the internet, always attached to a real email if the page owner takes umbrage to my comment and wishes to contact me.
I see nothing wrong with the use if one is willing to stand behind what you have written.
I write in the traditional of Silence Dogood..

LOL quite a little Amen Corner we have here from all the people who use pseudonyms to comment.

"Amen corner", huh? You of all people ought not be throwing stones.

"always attached to a real email if the page owner takes umbrage to my comment and wishes to contact me. I see nothing wrong with the use if one is willing to stand behind what you have written."

Well said.

There is no privacy, get over it.

I expect no privacy myself, but only use "Harry" since I often comment after too many glasses of wine, and would hate to bring shame to my wife for her poor choice of a mate.

I have not been following any running gun battle and I have a difficult time understanding why the discovery of such trolls being "public servants" is such a shock. It's what I would expect.

MY experience is MOST of those that work in government bureaucracies ALWAYS think their rules only apply to OTHER PEOPLE. Hypocrisy may not be exclusive to PERS beneficiaries. But it does seem A LOT of public employees take too much delight in telling us "OTHER PEOPLE" what THEY will "allow".

It's one of the reasons I'm leaving the state.... slowly.

And Jack knows how to get in touch with me.

One of the "OTHER PEOPLE"
S.W. Portland (for now)

What a wimp. As for the "you don't live here, you can't say squat!" argument is just plain ridiculous. If this argument was true, then nobody could give feedback to anyone unless they live in the same town.

Using the "you don't live here, you can't say squat!" argument, then no one who has never lived or lives outside of Pennsylvania can give feedback on Rick Santorum or his values. Same with Romney and Massachusetts. Same with Gingrich and Georgia. Same with Paul and Texas. The argument is beyond absurd.

The where we live and they don't argument is flimsy as all get out. Hardly an impenetrable fortress to build an argument for "outing" others on.

"the "you don't live here, you can't say squat!" argument

That point (by Jack) is first to draw my comment, too, approving of it. Saying ditto on LarsLarson: Shut The Fancouver Up. More than that, LarsLarson, you got out
so STAY out of Oregon.

It is not flimsy, it is foundational. And it is not an 'argument' it is my opinion:
Malice immigrants skulking around in PDX/OR, substandard such as LarsLarson
deserve being hunted and bagged.

A second point I felt to comment about is the personal animosities element in UPO's blogblowing. Sheesh, public bulletin boards seems like a poor placement for that type of talk.

Rick Santorum lives in the United States. So he has the right to talk about United States federal policy.

But I do not live in Pennsylvania. And so I do not have the right to tell people in Pennsylvania how they should live.

If we are talking about planning issues in the City of Portland, the opinions of people who live in Lake Oswego and work in Salem are irrelevant.

Try to catch on, Killia-whatever your troll name is. It's not that hard to follow.

Lister nailed it. If everyone were to own up to their words the wild, wild internet would be a more civilized, tamer place -- But not nearly as fun. Someday the novelty will all wear off.

There may be sort of a technical solution (forgive my incoherence as I'm posting Under the Influence) - we know IP ranges of public institutions. Wouldn't it be cool if all posts on HTTP protocol from a gov't IP could get aggregated to an easily searchable public website? Is there a grant for that?

In the tradition of the late Paul Harvey, "It's FRIDAY!"

Old Zeb,

Not sure if you were calling me Mrs G and directing the story about Newt and his Catholic persona, and very,very wide-eyed Catholic wife...

Catholics may have all the issues in the world, just like other groups, but I tell you what, when I read about UK Drs illegally participating in gender-selective abortions at 18 weeks gestation, I get so prostrated with repulsion that I think one day I might just follow along in Newt's footsteps.


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