
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 14, 2012 1:57 PM. The previous post in this blog was Saving the endangered. The next post in this blog is Tri-Met riders, "choice" and otherwise. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Linchpin fever -- catch it

Here's a doozy out of our nation's capital:

In a conference call with reporters, LaHood said that President Barack Obama considers the $1.5 billion light-rail line extension from downtown Portland to Milwaukie an integral part of rebuilding the nation’s economy.

Wow. Just wow.

Comments (15)

he must be thinking it's going to wisconsin

Careful, Obama's minions have now publicly stated that any criticism of Obama that they determine is "harmful" can result in criminal prosecution.

"rebuilding the nation's economy" must mean turning it over to private corporations as they continue to bankrupt and loot from public assets.

Oh, come on!

Transit systems, he said, are “the lifelines for our national and regional economies, the way we lead our lives and pursue our dreams.”

If our dreams are to be assaulted on a bus or train, then I proclaim Dream Accomplished!

$1.5B! Cringe. So many better ways to use that money. My kids public school could use some more teachers - and toilet paper. It's a frickin' shame. At the rate we're going, there won't be any jobs to ride the train to.

He must be smoking the same stuff bow tie enjoys 24/7.

That's more than $11,000 for a family of four the Portland area. Send me a check, Ray, and re-build my economy!

$2.86 of every gallon of gas I buy goes to the federal government?!?!?!?! Why don't we simply cut that in half and see how stimulated the economy gets.

The United States federal excise tax on gasoline, as of February 2011, is 18.4 cents per gallon.

I only wish $2.86 cents was going to the Feds as opposed to oil speculators.

I doubt that Obama even remembers where Portland is, he just reads the teleprompter and follows the script. I don't think anyone actually believes these lies, they just repeat poll tested statements that allow them to spend money. And by spend money, I mean direct tax payer money towards campaign contributors in exchange for more funds.

The rail line will reduce the number of cars on the road thus reducing the potential for car bombs. It is a security issue. Be patriotic and support it.

Doesn't building buses and BRT stations create jobs that also include green energy components, bus operators and maintenance personnel? Is this crony capitalism, or do I detect the scent of engineering bias? Or biased engineering, I can't tell.

I'm willing to bet $10 that after LaHood dropped that vowel movement, his boss pulled him into the Oval Office and said "I said WHAT?"

Buses require pavement, and "progressives" hate pavement, because they can also be used for cars.

Thus, rail.

Spending $1,500,000,000 that we don't have, from the Highway Trust Fund that doesn't exist, that's not being used for highways, for something we don't need, and the voters don't want. And they wonder why government is held in such low esteem.

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