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Tuesday, February 7, 2012

First Komen scapegoat departs

Wonder if there will be others.

Comments (12)

Not likely. If there's one thing you have to remember about Dallas businesses, and Komen is most assuredly a business, it's always "last hired, first fired" in these cases. Nancy Brinker would sooner put a loaded shotgun in her mouth and pull both triggers than admit that anybody closer to her was responsible for this mess. (Right now, it's not even about Planned Parenthood. It's that the way Komen handled this is now a business textbook example of how NOT to handle the PR on such a decision. Sadly, speaking from previous experience with temper tantrums and Komen fundraising events, I very seriously doubt anyone will learn from this.)

Komen has done a lot of good things, not the least of which was bringing national awareness to a serious disease. You almost wish you could have pulled along side before this all happened and yelled, Hey driver! You're going the wrong way!

Scapegoat? Source, please?

Heads most definitely had to roll.

No way they could just say: "Opps! Never mind!"

Somebody had to be the scape goat, and she fit the narrative quite well.

The whole board should resign.

Jack, you can't really expect them to resign. If they do, they might have to (gasp) get jobs. What would the neighbors, the sorority sisters, and the plastic surgeons think?

I'd like a full audit and total according if every penny they raised & spent from Day 1. Cancer is a mega industry in the 21st century. A preventative cure would take a lot of billions away from people who get obscenely wealthy off cancer's rampages.

Mojo, I couldn't agree more. Just imagine what would happen if we shifted our military budget towards eliminating dependence on foreign energy resoureces and curing and preventing disease? Our current system rewards private interests for treatment of many disorders that should have never existed to begin with. I'm talking about cancer, diabetes, heart disease, etc. Apparently we are fighting these stupid wars to protect our oil supply, which I am convinced we are smart enough to wean ourselves from with sufficient will and determination.

Since we can pretty much blast the rest of the planet off the face of the earth 20 times over with our current arsenal, I'm not seeing a huge risk of a Chinese invasion in the next 50 years or so assuming we slashed our defense budget...as if anyone would think it makes sense to take over this mess if they could. Maybe we couldn't involve ourselves in mindless conflicts all over the globe, putting our young men and women at risk of life and limb for no apparent purpose, but hey...isn't that a good thing? I say save people from preventable suffering and death over needless mayhem and destruction every day...all day.

Not a scapegoat...she's the freaking provocateur of this mess. Handel is not a victim, she was the catalyst to drive the Komen organization to GRO closr to its roort wing tendancy

http://www.huffingtonpost.com/mobileweb/2012/02/05/ karen-handel-susan-g-komen-decision-defund-planned-parenthood_n_1255948.html

Brinker hired Handel, with approval of the board, knowing full well Handel's tea party, anti-Planned Parenthood, tighty-righty creds. By a number of insider accounts and leaked e-mails, Brinker and the board were aware that the new policy of restricting funds from entities under federal investigation, was designed specifically to cut-out PP. They are surely not without blame here.

I don't know if I agree that Handel is merely a scapegoat though. She was hired to be their point person on public policy and obviously, she failed miserably at that task. I'd fire her for that alone.

And then there's the theory that Handel did exactly as she had hoped and is using this to burnish those tighty-righty creds and use the whole ordeal as a stepping stone to some political gain:


I guess we shall see....

Komen, like OPB, Goodwill and others that come to mind all began with high-minded ideals and devolved into a support system for top level executives with obscenely generous pay packages. I'd like to see these good organizations pick the cooties off and go back to embracing the idea of volunteerism and austerity so that a majority of the money they take in can be directed toward their mission statements.

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