
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on February 13, 2012 9:08 PM. The previous post in this blog was Occupiers alert!. The next post in this blog is Much ado.... Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, February 13, 2012

Dum-Dum ate here

Now Portland's mayor is spending his time reviewing restaurants and other establishments on Yelp. One critic reacts by calling him a "preening, attention-craving jackass" and urging him to "go do your damn job." Even funnier is the thought that anyone would take the mayor's advice, about anything.

Comments (16)

The man is a walking testament to menu fraud. Still, I'd rather have him spend his time reviewing restaurants on Yelp than almost anything else I can think of.

Does this mean that the place is blighted now?

Is he positioning to become a restaurant critic for his favorite editorial board?

It's not like anyone else would hire him.

Sam is moving to Salem when he's done screwing Portland over. There's a new board being created just for him SB 1521 Establishes a board of Interior Design.

His Yelp profile says he likes "hole-in-the-wall" restaurants ...

"Hole-in-the-wall" or "glory-hole-in-the-wall"?

It would be interesting to check Adams' Yelp reviews against his expense report.

"calling him a "preening, attention-craving jackass" and urging him to "go do your damn job."

Are we talking Sam or Randy now?

Dim lighting, cluttered tables, and surrounded by posers, Sam Adams serves up old Chicago politics from the 60's with a thin veneer of green chic.

The side dishes are like leftovers from the V-Katz Bistro, the entrees lack cohesion, and dessert lacks substance.

If you must visit, watch your wallet, and save a few bucks for the Burger King on the way home.

"The Sum Young Guy was delicious."

Has he posted his review for the Jantzen Beach Plaid Pantry yet? Rumor has it he found it "smashing."

Now, now...These communications could be very useful for all of us.

We'll now know where the hell to stay away from.

Explains the waist line and his "waste" line on every other week garbage pick up. He merely leaves his garbage and food scraps behind for others to sort through. Will be so glad to be rid of the creep; it cannot happen fast enough.

'"calling him a "preening, attention-craving jackass" and urging him to "go do your damn job."

Are we talking Sam or Randy now?'


Calling him a jackass is insulting....to jackasses!

You know, Sam always reminded me of a couple of dining critics I used to know. Ones that ultimately got their paper sued for libel because the restaurants in question dared fire friends of theirs, but still.

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