
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 16, 2012 5:15 PM. The previous post in this blog was Plenty of money, just none for basics. The next post in this blog is Mayor advises caution, blows town. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, January 16, 2012

Your up-to-the-minute weather

And now here's the news you've all been waiting for: the definitive weather forecast for Portland and vicinity. There's a chance of snow tonight, and it may drop below freezing. Then again, neither might happen; it could just rain. Maybe it will snow tomorrow night, but it might not. If it does snow, it might not stick. There could be rain and snow mixed together. If it rains and then freezes, there could be black ice.

So plan accordingly! And stay tuned to bojack.org StormCenter 9000.2 for further updates. Team coverage! We look out the window -- so you don't have to.

Comments (12)

Why must you scare us like this?
Please stay at your blogging post throughout this ordeal. We are in desperate need of your guidance and direction.

bojack.org StormCenter 9000.2 is all well and fine but you need more Emotion!

Another day of schizophrenic weather. It snows. It melts. Sun. Snow. Rain. Snow. I went see the first showing (of the day) of My Week with Marilyn (oh Michelle Williams oh wow) this afternoon. It was dry when I headed out and when I got my tickets. I walked out of the theatre and there were big cloddy flakes coming down. Took the pooch out a bit ago and there was nothing again and nothing much had stuck. I do fear ice on the AM commute but it will be what it will be.

Those bioswales will handle any weather.

One thing's certain: We'll be talking about this storm for the rest of our lives.

Ah man! I like looking out my window. Now there is someone doing even that for me. Nothing left for me to do in this town but sit back and do what I'm told.

My fellow weather-bloggers have a term for getting the most accurate weather.
It's called GOLU. Go Outside Look Up.

I, for one thank God for putting Jack here to keep us apprised. You can always count on him to be up there at Sylvan, battling the elephants to demonstrate just how slippery it is (as though things were any less slippery in City Hall).

The guaranteed forecast:

"The forecast for tonight is darkness with intermittent light around 6:30 a.m.

You mileage may vary."

"One thing's certain: We'll be talking about this storm for the rest of our lives. "

I'm on my way to the mortuary, before I freeze to death!

Don't forget your #1 uh I mean your #7 transit agency who is always looking out for all of us....

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