
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 17, 2012 5:51 AM. The previous post in this blog was Your up-to-the-minute weather. The next post in this blog is This is it! The final underdogs.. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Mayor advises caution, blows town

He issues his usual bleats and Tweets about snow, but then he hops on a plane and heads across country on another junket. Makes sense -- that's probably the best thing he can do to make Portland streets safer.

This time he's off to Washington, D.C. How lovely that he can return to that place to relive where he was when the Beau Breedlove scandal broke. Hard to believe it was three years ago. It feels like 30.

Only 349 days and counting until his time is up -- but how many "business" trips do you think he'll take, and how exotic will they get, before the curtain falls?

Comments (7)

D.C. mothers, lock up your sons, Sam Adams is coming to town.

This headline wins the internet today.

Today's entry in unintended double entendres.

In that case, he's following in the steps of Ron Kirk, Dallas's own unbearable cross. In Uncle Ron's case, he did his absolute best to sell out Dallas to Ray Hunt and every other greedhead in the area, and only left as mayor when we lost the bid for the 2012 Olympics. (When I say "lost", I mean "we didn't even make the top ten out of twelve entrants," mostly because Kirk was too busy pushing for new stadia and developer toys to worry about crumbling infrastructure.) After taking a dive for John "Man on Box Turtle" Cornyn in the 2002 Senate race, he promptly disappeared...only to turn up in Washington in 2009. With luck, he and Sam will hook up and never return.

Better read this HUFFINGTON POST article about our wonderful mayor.

I'm sure you'll just love this....

Arrianna, Put down the cup with the brightly colored, artificially flavored sugar water.

The moratorium on repaving marks the beginning of the inevitable hard landing. Ugly won't begin to describe it. I wonder how much of it Sam and Co will be able to push forward onto the next mayor, and where Sam will move the day after his term is over. Makes one wonder why anyone wants to run for Mayor here.

Good find al m. According to Huffington:
“In Portland, while our national leaders are paralyzed on climate change, Mayor Sam Adams...put forward a Climate Action Plan, which by 2050 would cut carbon emissions by 80 percent, launched a pilot program for green retrofitting, and budgeted $20 million for "bicycle boulevards." He also took a $2.4 million federal grant and used it as venture capital for a Clean Energy Works program. "We could have doled it out to individual facilities and buildings, which would have been more direct and politically expedient," he said. "But instead, we wanted to create a return on investments in a new industry."

Query astute Portlandians: what has become of "The Climate Action Plan"; "Green Retrofitting; "Bicycle Boulevards"; & the "Clean Energy Works"? Is it worth over $22.2 Mil?

The moratorium on paving is just an innovative way to turn streets into bioswales.
It will just take longer than planned..
Figure by 2050 and the streets will be rutted muddy tracks..

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