This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on
January 29, 2012 7:49 AM.
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Gail's gone.
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Chip Kelly's secret defense.
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Comments (5)
Good luck to Tucson on getting people to pay money to see a few kickball games. Personally speaking, I wouldn't waste my time watching a game even if the tickets were free. MLB Baseball has abondoned Ticson and won't be coming back anytime soon. And given the large number of tickets Spring Training tickets sold so far this month, (Good Giants & Diamondbacks tickets are in short supply), it looks like they will have to draw some big crowds to replace that revenue.
And I find it interesting at best that Reno somehow has a "second-city syndrome" according to the author. Not only do we have a great AAA baseball team, the Reno Aces - who won their division in 2011; but one of the newest AAA stadiums in baseball. (And home to the AAA All-Star game in 2013!) Also, we have the University of Nevada right here as well - which has a full calendar of both men's and women's sports...
Posted by Dave A. | January 29, 2012 8:45 AM
I've got to say: I've had my problems with the Paulson family and that whole "destroy America" thing, but I'm psyched about the upcoming Timbers season.
It's a great group of lads and the soccer is entertaining. I've discovered my least favorite part of the game is the tolerance of the thug element, and they seem to avoid it because the matches aren't as life and death as in Europe.
I was watching Barcelona against Real Madrid a few days ago and this atmosphere of impending violence hung over the entire spectacle. Very disturbing. Brilliant soccer of course, but I want to be uplifted about humanity along the way.
Real Madrid has this one thug who deliberately stomped on Lionel Messi's hand. Just a bad human being. Yet, he was out there running around like it didn't matter.
Oh well. I hope MLS thrives in the States even if it means the Paulsons add to the hundreds of millions they made threatening the economic future of the greatest country in the history of the world. Go Timbers.
Posted by Bill McDonald | January 29, 2012 10:18 AM
If you're really lucky you can catch some pro cycling team training camps.
Posted by pmalach | January 29, 2012 11:55 AM
. . . or it will soon be spring, and you can go out and watch the grass grow!
Posted by cros | January 29, 2012 2:31 PM
Pass. Please no soccer, ever, under any circumstances. Or badminton, for that matter.
Posted by Luis | January 29, 2012 9:30 PM