
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 15, 2012 9:29 PM. The previous post in this blog was Underdog leader board tightens up for finale. The next post in this blog is Happy Martin Luther King Day. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, January 15, 2012

Portland snow ordeal continues

Here at Blog Central, the thermometer on the front porch reads a chilly 32.7 degrees Fahrenheit and dropping. Whatever is wet out there right now is going to be frozen in a few hours. Frozen -- and slick! Warning! Hazard! You could die! Just to be safe, you should carry chains, even on the bus.

It's supposed to snow somewhat seriously tomorrow evening, and some of it could stick. Sticking snow! Even more hazardous! Cancel everything for Tuesday. It's important to remain hydrated. And don't forget your pets! Stay tuned to bojack.org StormCenter 9000.2 for the latest team coverage.

Comments (9)

Let me think a minute, oh yeah, your closest OLCC Green Front is just a few blocks away, between Weidler and Broadway, better stock up on the "good stuff" to carry you through until at least next weekend. Oh, and... don't forget your chains. Better get out the snowshoes too, just in case. Safeway is close by, get lots of chili and nachos for the kids. Maybe the wifey will want a case of Ben and Jerry's, just in case!

even on the bus

But what should light rail riders carry (besides pepper spray)?

Remember the Maine.

Tuesday, the freeway will be blockaded at Troutdale,with all the local news so excited, and puzzled about the Columbia River gorge.

Why do these intrepid reporters trek to the Sylvan Overpass at great risk of life and limb (LOL)? The best snow job to cover is at City Hall -- and they can find that any day.....And if they wear out that venue, more good "snow" is to be found at Pearl District subsidized condos,streetcar lines planned for nowhere with no users, and that good old standby, the OHSU tram...

Oh S**t! Major snow squall just started here is Gladstone! Run!!! It's headed North!

I think the storm center needs to upgrade a bit. Webcams are needed on the rail of the Sylvan overpass and out in Troutdale. Those are the best storm watcher locations for the yokel media.

If we get enough snow it could fill in a few potholes for awhile. Silver lining and all.

Driving back up from Snailum today I heard a city of Portland PR flack touting taking the bus tomorrow if it snows.
Having been abandoned by Trimet myself and having had to drive downtown to rescue my wife when Trimet decided to just not run during a snow "storm" I can't imagine why I should trust them to not do so again.
Bottom line, I shall drive to work in Clackastan, as I always do...
Yes I've investigated using the bus/Max but from NE PDX to Clackamas it would take at least two hours... each way.. From my perspective that's have a workday wasted, isn't my time worth something ?
Maybe Trimet should be paying passengers for their time..

Webcams are needed on the rail of the Sylvan overpass and out in Troutdale.

Don't worry, it's covered.

Sylvan Camera

Sylvan Weather Station

Troutdale Camera

Troutdale Weather Station

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