
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 23, 2012 11:47 AM. The previous post in this blog was Admiral Randy pounds you to the bitter end. The next post in this blog is These people are smarter than you. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Is this an endorsement?

Maybe Steve Novick isn't so smart after all.

Comments (6)

Anyone know about this Dant guy who has announced he is running for mayor. Supposedly a real estate guy, who has said we need to start providing basic services! Does the real estate cabal know they have an traitor inside the house???

Re: "Maybe Steve Novick isn't so smart after all."

Endorsements have a way of undermining credibility. For example, Paul van Orden, incompetent in his apparently permanent CoP sinecure, joins "The Hook" in backing Charlie "Streetcar" Hales; but Mr van Orden is prominent among Jack Bog's fairly recent endorsements:

"Here are my top priority votes:

Mary Volm, Portland City Council
Tom Hughes, Metro
Paul van Orden, Multnomah County Commission
Ted Wheeler, State Treasurer
Jack Landau, Oregon Supreme Court"

It is, of course, possible that Mr Bog's endorsement of Mr van Orden's second futile attempt at elective office was a subtle, circuitous strategy to achieve a quieter city.

A Facebook Like is not an endorsement. I can't find a list of endorsements on the Charlie Hales for Mayor website, although it does have a page on which one may sign up for that.

Why doesn't Charlie Hales show actual endorsements? What a strange campaign. Maybe if you have the apartment pusher camp behind you, you don't need endorsements.

I think the web of power would like to have Charlie Hales at the wheel with Novick and Nolan for the third vote needed. Saltzman wouldn't have to pretend he understands and cares and then vote against the people anyway, and Fritz wouldn't be there fretting about costs. Too bad Fritz hasn't fretted enough to ask for that Waiver from the EPA LT2 rule she has been asked to do, but won't.
I have heard Nolan though and with that demeanor, Fritz looked like an angel.
But despite that, still think it would be good to have another choice.

No, a Facebook like isn't an endorsement. I "like" all sorts of things that I don't actually like. Because by "like"-ing something, you get exposed to their news feed.

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