
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on January 23, 2012 10:40 AM. The previous post in this blog was Lolenzo isn't enough. The next post in this blog is Is this an endorsement?. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, January 23, 2012

Admiral Randy pounds you to the bitter end

O columnist Steve Duin posted a howler this weekend: Now that the City of Portland's being sued for wasting water bureau revenue on unrelated pet projects of the city commissioners, and now that the council is being threatened by a charter amendment that would take water rate setting out of its hands, Fireman Randy is fighting back. He's got Opie Sten's former chief lackey, Rich Rodgers, on the charter revision commission, and the two of them are reportedly trying to subvert the charter review process to validate the illegal water spending and kill off meaningful oversight of water rates by an independent body.

How stunningly ugly. And how typical.

Rodgers, the "genius" behind "voter-owed elections" and "free municipal wi-fi," must have ambitions for public office some day. He's not rehabilitating himself by defending the "water house," that's for sure. With 343 days to go in the Admiral's command, Rodgers is putting his eggs in a pretty beat-up-looking basket.

Comments (13)

The article you linked to appears to be gone... Maybe it is just because it is a mobile link, I think I found it: http://www.oregonlive.com/news/oregonian/steve_duin/index.ssf/2012/01/portland_charter_review_commis.html

I read this yesterday in the Sunday print edition, but could not find it online anywhere. I wonder if the O got a phone call to pull it?

Come on, a crup City Hall ? Portland....

Is this news worthy? Look who all the players are in the circus, not surprising at all, just expected.

Isn't there a word for it, 'collusion'?

Word on the street is the City of Portland Treasurer, Eric Johansen is resigning, effective March 1. No mention of retirement. As I recall he was in charge of debt management prior to his stint as Treasurer the three (?) years.

I'm just guessing, but from what I've heard from others, he is tired of Council politics.

With 343 days to go in the Admiral's command, Rodgers is putting his eggs in a pretty beat-up-looking basket.

Just so Randy can keep control of the strings.

RICO baby... RICO..
That's the statute to use on Mayor Sam and Admiral Randy and the whole crew.

I have posted a better link. It should last longer than the link to the mobile story did. But this is the O -- it could disappear at any time.

343 days is a lot of time to create lasting mischief, even for lame ducks. Things that last beyond 343 days and create a lasting legacy. Good or bad, some people just want to be remembered.

I wonder when we will know what Hearing Officer Kenneth Helm ruled on the 10 year Condition Permit, Coded Institutional, that gives Randy his uv plant at the Headworks of Bull Run Water Shed? That was the permit submitted as an Emergency in December... He attached the Endangered Species Act to it... for a Fish Flow that is not feasible for many reasons. You will get a kick out of this... I wonder where the gravel goes? Do you see it land in the water? Or is it just too fun to shoot in the air?

PWB gravel placement scam

Slime always oozes to the bottom...

I regret that I have but one case to rest.

We aren't even close to the bitter end...
far from it with the Sam/Rand twins in charge.
This Admiral is taking the ship into uncharted waters.

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