
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 21, 2011 11:06 AM. The previous post in this blog was Reader poll: Who left the best comment?. The next post in this blog is New "infill" for Westmoreland. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

When you call Portland City Hall for help

Here's a cautionary tale out of the Reed neighborhood in the southeast part of town.

Comments (16)

They should have just asked for a bike path and bioswales and solar panels and green roofs and sharrows and green boxes and native plants and untraviolet water treatment and some facilitators and mentors and curb extensions and, and, and....


I'm just shocked this would happen in Portland! I agree with "cc," where were the facilitators? When was the charrette?

"Local Improvement District," Leaf Tax, etc - shouldn't the property taxes you already pay be enough to have the streets around your home paved and the leaves picked up?

More evidence that current leaders in CoP don't give a rat's a** about the residents in CoP, only their big ideas and plans.

Perhaps we, the citizens, ought to look into a measure that would cap the LID expenses to any home owner. I could see paying 8-10K for the new road - but, 100K??? Probably most of the roads in Portland were initially paid with public funds - unless you're one of those property owners on the last 64 miles.

As to the party sewer line - it may be that BES doesn't want the work done, only to have the area ripped up again for road work. If the LID goes away, shouldn't be a problem to upgrade the sewer.

The Honorable Mayor McCreepy: "So, are you more concerned about money than safety?

Literally LOL'ed at that!

At the very least, they could have had a significant discount if they agreed to the street signs being translated into Klingon.

Doesn't the city have an obligation to maintain all the streets, paved and unpaved?
Allowing streets to deteriorate to the point they are impassable is a breach of trust on their part.
I'm curious that the steps are required to withdraw from an incorporated city, Jack, do you happen to know ?

I think that the city is to maintain the street, but if only the original land developer put in a street, curbs, etc.
There are many many streets in SE Portland that are unfinished, because the original developer didn't want to spend the money.
Also, remember, the CoP is broke, $6.5B dollars in debt. Personally, I would prefer that they pay some of that off first.

Sell one of the houses to Homer or Gerding-Edlen, then it'll be free paving.

SamAdumbs should be ashamed. It seems that Sam cares more about money than safety, seeing how he's happy to allow the PPB budgets to go to hell, ignoring what seems to be an uptick in violence in North and Northeast Portland, because all the public money has been "accounted for" by these BULLSH*T pet projects.

Hey Sam, I think the greatest priority for the City is keeping the citizens' homes and bodies safe. Job One, before bike paths and art displays and funding for social movements.

Just request a streetcar. That will get the sewer fixed and the alley paved.

Oh NO! Not a street car! The LIDs for all the toy trains around town are killing the local businesses and small property owners. Only the likes of Homer and Gerding get out of those fees. The rest of us bend over big time.

A great article by David F. Ashton for the Sellwood Bee. It needs to be read by every citizen in this city so that they understand what a LID (local improvement district)
tax means. Citizens need to be aware that when they ask for certain amenities even such as sidewalks, that those on the street where they live vote on the matter and then pay if voted for and how much it will cost them.

It is much easier to say to want something, big question is who pays?

Does anyone here recall that the Mayor tried to put a "halo lid" in the SW area, over an entire area I guess to "share" costs so that a LID would be more accepted, but I do not think others in the area liked his "halo tax" concept.

Adam's response to those people who were concerned about an $800. month additional cost is pathetic.

But enough for now, holidays are upon us.

However, as we know, holidays don't mean much to some in the city who like to use the season for shenanigans while citizens are busy.

Much to their chagrin, watchdogs haven't stopped and yes those watchdogs can still enjoy life despite the actions of those who are up to no good.

Maybe the Feds will help with name changes and relocation?

And they are being scammed by BES: if the ‘non-conforming sewer’ line was permitted then they are under no obligation to pay for it to be changed. An attorney can back that "liability" off. They tried that crap on one of my neighbors this year and got the boot of precedent applied firmly... and they ran away.

Of course the city is really lucky about losing paperwork like old permits and plans and reports. Funny that.

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