New "infill" for Westmoreland
The current Portland craze of destroying the look and feel of its neighborhoods in favor of soulless, ugly, tiny, modern boxes continues apace just off SE Milwaukie Avenue, where a Lake Oswego developer is going to tear down two perfectly good houses and cram in 20 shacks. No doubt the City Hall "planners" are beside themselves with glee, as this sort of abomination is exactly what they have decided is the "sustainable" and "equitable" future of Portland. If you don't like it, you'll need some "behavior change."
Meanwhile, part of the same block, on Milwaukie, is the Woods, an old funeral parlor that's recently been converted into a music venue. Apparently the music place is being run out, and it's not clear what's going to happen to the building. We shudder to think.
Comments (14)
The woods will be office space or a "wellness center." DJC story this afternoon.
Posted by A | December 21, 2011 12:30 PM
How does demolishing existing, in use structures qualify as "in fill"?
CoP is trying not to show it, but they're following "Kelo vs. New London" if you ask me.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | December 21, 2011 1:24 PM
Apparently"A" is in the know. I figured - "Strip Mall" (a double entendre in the Rose city) was the likely in-fill.
Posted by genop | December 21, 2011 1:31 PM
These are the same developers that sweet-talked Reed College into selling them the Sellwood Trolley Barns property in 2004, beating out other proposals that involved historic preservation.
If I remember correctly, Reed agreed to sell them the Trolley Barns property for $2.5 million, and the same day closing of escrow occurred they flipped the property to D.R. Horton (a national cracker-box homebuilder) for something like $2 million more -- obviously a substantial profit for doing nothing.
If you drive by the site now, there are 80+ townhomes that are pure garbage and very out of place for the neighborhood (adjacent to Garthwick).
These clowns are creating the exact same ticky-tack product here on a slightly smaller scale.
You're right though, Jack. This is happening all over town in one form or another and City Hall is lovin' every minute of it.
Posted by PD | December 21, 2011 1:46 PM
I thought the Woods / Wilhelms Crematorium should have been a wood fire pizza place or maybe a BBQ joint. Put those ovens to use.
Posted by dg | December 21, 2011 2:00 PM
Here's hoping those "private alleys" listed in the plans have garages, otherwise those poor neighbors are going to lose whatever on-street parking they've got. The city loves to approve housing plans w/o enough parking spaces on site, and they literally just hope that enough of the residents have no cars. (When in fact most residents show up with TWO cars, the city has nothing to say except "er....park over that way," gesturing to the neighborhood.)
Posted by Dave J. | December 21, 2011 2:43 PM
My guess is this is another "biking community" development, similar to the micro-condo "village" that just went in over on SE Division and 43rd.
If I'm right, it'll get every green light the city can give.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | December 21, 2011 3:17 PM
Geeze, those look awful! What are they about 200 sq ft each?
Posted by Portland Native | December 21, 2011 8:53 PM
At least the Milwaukie light rail will have a few riders.
Posted by Brian | December 21, 2011 9:25 PM
I wonder how many people were informed about the public hearing to approve the zone change from CS (Commercial Storefront) to RH (Residential High density)? Zoning codes can either work for you or against you depending on what the Planning Dept. wants.
Posted by Nolo | December 21, 2011 9:54 PM
My experience is that often when I have seen the public notification outdoor signs, the paper attached with the details with tape or staples is missing.
Seems our city printing machines could print the information directly on the outdoor cardboard.
I believe neighborhood associations are notified but they are volunteers and do not have funds or time to go to each household for every land use notification.
It used to be households so many feet (do not know current numbers or status of that notification) from a project would be notified, it still doesn't get to the people of the neighborhood as a whole.
That kind of complex does change the character of the surrounding area, not just a few feet or blocks.
Interesting that when the city wants to send propaganda, they have no trouble sending to each household then.
Posted by clinamen | December 21, 2011 10:10 PM
Jack, Jack, Jack, you don't understand, it's for the children! (Okay so I'm not astute enough to really figure out how you would spin such a screwup to 'work' in favor of the children, but when all else fails, throw that line at it - oh, and sustainable. Now it's all better.)
Posted by Native Oregonian | December 22, 2011 5:47 AM
The so-called public process ils a joke. The city will change however the planning Dept. Convinces the politicians it wants. Whatever is current and hip will rule as PDX still has an inferiority complex after all these years. That is something about Portland that hasn't changed lately. Certainly not anything to be proud of.
Posted by Nolo | December 23, 2011 10:37 AM
This should be a nice addition to the neighborhood, looking forward to watching the construction.
Posted by Anthony Choate | December 24, 2011 9:26 AM