
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 7, 2011 5:29 PM. The previous post in this blog was TV news assignment editor alert. The next post in this blog is White smoke from Delta Tau Chi chimney. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Portland City Hall bigwigs clearing out their desks

Word is out that both Portland city personnel chief Yvonne Deckard and city attorney Linda Meng are bailing. That's pretty scary, in that it provides the lame duck Sam Rand Twins the chance to fill the positions with their favorite hand-picked lackeys. Given that the city's rushing headlong toward fiscal disaster, is being sued for misspending of funds, and has one prominent figure currently under federal indictment, it will be interesting to see what kinds of people the successors are.

Comments (6)

My opinion, Meng is a good manager of a complicated department.

Deckard is no loss. Too bad her understudy is stepping in.

The ghosts of Christmas past, present and future?

Here's a heads-up on how the local media are responding to news about federal indictments, etc.

KATU News had a crew out and about today videotaping interviews with random customers at local coffeehouses to be used as promos for a new program that will ask people if they think politicians are listening to the public.

Oh, boy!

It's probably in response to the city government's plummeting approval ratings -- less than half positive, even from a somewhat self-selected group.

Don't look at it as their quitting. Look at it as "leaving early to avoid the rush". At least this way they'll have good jobs lined up and locked in when Sam/Randy's handpicked buttkissers suddenly start calling to ask about "any opportunities where you are."

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