
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 7, 2011 3:45 PM. The previous post in this blog was Will Tri-Met board let Boring secede?. The next post in this blog is Portland City Hall bigwigs clearing out their desks. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 7, 2011

TV news assignment editor alert

Please warm our holidays. We want footage of this, and lots of it. If not live coverage, then at least an hour-long special.

Comments (6)

It's about time. Freaking hate having to dodge bicyclists when I'm walking on a sidewalk downtown.


But doesn't everybody read the Biz Journal anyway?

Oh I get it now, you want to cut into Storm Team coverage.


"It turns out, it’s extra-illegal to do it when holiday shoppers are afoot.

Portland police will drive that message home starting Thursday, when they begin enforcing city laws that prohibit biking, roller skating and skateboarding on sidewalks."

I love living in a city where it takes a special occasion for the police to "begin enforcing city laws."

Oh, this should be fun. I'm figuring that the lawyers of innumerable helicopter parents are going to be racking in the overtime, suing the city for daring to prevent these pweshious widdle snowflakes from expressing their creativity on Portland's streets. Why, this activity is practically anti-bike! Why isn't Sam Adams tweeting about it?

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