
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on December 21, 2011 12:13 AM. The previous post in this blog was Welcome to Buck-a-Hit Day. The next post in this blog is Cyber-Office Christmas Party -- tomorrow around 4. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Buck-a-Hit Day sets new record

The clock has struck midnight on our ninth annual Buck-a-Hit Day, and thanks to some amazing last-minute Santas, we broke all records for this charity event. As of the close of the day, we amassed $10,193 for our six charities, breaking the old mark of $10,115, set three years ago. Amazing! And just $57 shy of our dollar target for the day -- a shortfall of a mere 0.56%. (If anyone would like to "top off" our total to help us reach that dollar goal of $10,250, the donation buttons still work.)

Having monitored the day carefully for the last 24 hours (with only cat naps here and there), we've been floored by everyone's generosity. Seventy-seven readers clicked on our donation buttons, with gifts ranging from $3 to $600, and our "inner circle" primed the pump with contributions as high as $2,000. We got our quota of 5,000 unique visits with a couple of hours to spare -- the final total was 5,489.

We will forgo the Jerry Lewis telethon routine at this hour. The words thank you -- not nearly adequate -- will have to do for now. We'll get a final accounting together, and set up the voting in our all-important comment contest, later this morning.

UPDATE, 12:33 a.m.: And just like that, a generous reader steps in and donates the last $57 we needed to meet our goal. It's a wonderful world, and now, good night.

UPDATE, 8:44 a.m.: Another $100 showed up overnight, and so our total has increased to $10,350. Thanks, everybody! On to the comment contest voting, and the accounting, later today.

UPDATE, 10:29 p.m.: With $60 additional now on the books, our final total for the day was $10,410. Beyond all expectations -- thanks again.

Comments (14)

just topped it off.

You are an angel. And now I am going to cry a little.

A small price to pay for an informed electorate.

Your disdain for being lied to is what separates this blog from our local media outlets. You're like Portland's very own 60 Minutes.

I hope you can enjoy the holidays with your friends and family and take a well deserved leave of absence from blogging (days, not weeks, for our sake).

I'm glad the unique hits met the standard of sustainability and I'm sure the donations will meet the standard of equity.

The French Revolution has nothing on Portland -- "Equité, Sustainabilité, Oddité!"

Congrats! Delighted to see some very deserving groups benefit. Happy Holidays!

My only regret was that I can't afford to give more. Next year, though, definitely.

For anyone seeking an example of the real meaning behind that over-used word, "awesome", this is an accomplishment where it truly fits.

yay! Thanks Jack for all you do-
Have a wonderful holiday with your family.

You will get a copy of a check to Oregon Food Bank for $54.89 too, to add to your total if you like.

Happy Solstice to all!

Well done Jack.

If that touched you imagine how you would feel with a 50% plus 1 victory in May for Mayor Jack.

Good on ya, Jack, and all of the folks who made this happen!

"Another $100 showed up overnight"

If that was mine it was paid at

Dec 20, 2011 21:59:19 PST

well before the deadline,

meaning you were not $57 shy of your dollar target for the day,

and you did indeed meet your goal.

THANK YOU, Jack! And congratulations on your record-setting contributions! Also, thanks for evoking and inspiring a spirit of generosity that we hope pervades not only the holiday season, but every day of the new year! Our families are grateful--and I am, too!

Tom Soma
Executive Director
Ronald McDonald House Charities of Oregon and Southwest Washington

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