
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 30, 2011 8:49 AM. The previous post in this blog was We bring good things to life. The next post in this blog is Multnomah County wins round in tax battle with PDC. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Who should watch over Portland cop pension fund?

Hmmmm, let's see... A highly experienced actuary, who knows a lot about the finances of complex retirement plans? Or Fireman Randy's buddy, who recently got bounced from the state legislature and is a fledgling worker's comp lawyer? As a taxpayer, we know whom we'd prefer.

Comments (6)

And here is why pension funds and all of your savings are soon to be worthless:

How The Banks, President And Congress Steal From You

"If you want to know why you have continually seen your standard of living destroyed over the last 30 years, here's your answer in bright white-hot lights. Your productivity increase has been stolen by the banks and governments of the world -- it is taken from you by compounded inflation!"


Is Saltzman the only one on the City Council who is looking out for he public wallet? This is further evidence that this is the case.

For Leonard to even suggest such an unqualified candidate for the position shows his utter disregard for the taxpaying public. Once a union whore, always a union whore.

Randy wants one more swipe at the public's credit card. How he can say Nick Kahl is qualified is beyond reason. I knew Nick when he ran for office and I can tell you he was the worst elected Representative ever elected in East County. And I'm close to 70 years old covers a lot of elections. The Union has to stack the Board so they can continue to rip off the taxpayers with Randy's blessing.

Louts, naves and crooks!

Nick Kahl? You must be kidding.

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