
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 12, 2011 11:32 PM. The previous post in this blog was Occupy Portland takes most dangerous turn yet. The next post in this blog is Watching the Occupy Portland cleanup circus. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

"Weird" doesn't even begin to describe it

The Portlandia TV show has got nothing on the reality in downtown tonight. Chuck Currie is there in his Roman collar, literally leading a singalong of "Kumbaya." The Zoobombers are on their way for a "bike swarm," which ought to be an interesting mix with mounted police. Mayor Creepy's got the whole place lit up with floodlights, because arresting people in the actual daylight apparently would not have been dramatic enough. News choppers are hovering overhead. All sorts of creative class barista types are running around with their oh-so-scary masks and bandanas on. And the anarchists actually held a meeting at the St. Francis soup kitchen to see how they could take advantage of the enormous diversion they've got going downtown. The TV news people are assuming a level of frenzy that they usually reserve for snow flurries. What next -- Storm Large?

Comments (5)

I recorded the News Hour program where they interviewed Sam and a representative of the Portland Occupy crowd. I tried to convert it to a short clip for uploading, but failed. Anyway . . .

If a corporation is person is it also a race?

oops, fix . . .

If a corporation is a person is it also a race?

Nothing creeps me out more than UCC guys in Roman collars. Or Kumbaya. Maybe he's working with the PPB?

Unified Commercial Code?

I'm hoping for Storm And The Balls to play a show. I'm in town for the weekend.

Dang it she is on tour in the South West with Pink Martini. Filling in for China Forbes.

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