
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 12, 2011 11:55 PM. The previous post in this blog was "Weird" doesn't even begin to describe it. The next post in this blog is Occupy Portland cleanout is a donnybrook. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Saturday, November 12, 2011

Watching the Occupy Portland cleanup circus

We've got Channel 8 on our tube, and internet streams of Channels 2 and 6 going here and here, respectively. The protesters' cam is here. Our bet is that the real action is a couple of hours away.

UPDATE, 11/13, 12:01 a.m.: Here's Fox News. That's everyone, as far as we can tell.

Comments (18)

Nothing has happened (yet), but this is just an absurd, circus-like atmosphere. Stellar leadership once again by our elected officials.

It will be at least 2:00, probably closer to 3, when the cops really get going. At Jamison, where they had a much smaller crowd to lock up, they didn't do a thing until about 1:30, and it wasn't over 'til 3:30. This one will probably drag on into the daylight hours. I think I'm going to bed soon.

That said, it *is* funny watching the anchors try to hide their disappointment over the lack of any rioting and police attacks thus far.

It's like a Portland snowstorm that shows up three days late. KGW should run Saturday Night Live and break in if the cops actually do anything in the next 90 minutes.

True said. And the gusty wind swirls are dramatizing the suspense.

Channel 2 is interviewing protesters, and one said that the cop were planning to "crack their heads" but underestimated their numbers, so they decided not to go thru with it. Hard to argue with that logic. Nothing is happening and its nearly 1am. Once again, Mayor Dopey doesnt come through.

Riot helmets are being put on. Mounted patrol just arrived. Tactical squads are rolling.

SWAT team member is down: he's been injured. The pepper spray and gas should follow.

When they put the masks on, you'll know it's about to get real. I would expect a flanking effort will pop up on the back side.

KGW reports downed SWAT member was hit by projectile.

Y'all shouldn't ougtta done that. Masks are going on.

All reserve units are staging at SW 1st and Main. Gas deployment has been authorized at Commander's discretion.

Pepper spray for the rowdies who have been in front (two sprays if you were taunting), then they'll launch tear gas. Masks will go on first. Roughly two minutes after the masks go on, they'll "take the bird off it".

Hmmm. KGW is reporting that protesters pointed out the fool who threw fireworks at the cop, and he was arrested without incident. Where's your breathless reporting on that Tee? Your disappointment at the lack of rioting is almost palpable. What a let down for those of you with such a lust for blood.

Yes, I am dismayed that mob rule carried the night. I am angry that our laws are so fungible (remember the poor sap who got a $500+ ticket on MAX?). I have a lust for order and mutual respect; not blood.

The parks look like a latrine and they are sandwiched between the centers of county and federal justice, law enforcement, and city government.

So glad I no longer work downtown.

You mean the same fungible laws that saw not one single banker go to jail for crimes related to the financial crisis?

And your lament about the condition of downtown would carry more weight if you hadn't been bitching about how awful it is there for the past several years.

No, it's painfully obvious how disappointed you and your ilk are that there wasn't a massive show of police force last night. Cloak that in whatever sentiment you like, but the glee with which you posted your minute by minute updates when it looked like there might be trouble, speaks for itself.

When I was a teacher, youth leader, parent and boss, I never gave a warning that I wasn't able to carry out. Hopefully a warning was all it took. Testing the rules was not a good idea, and you only did it once to know that I meant what I sad. Order was pretty easy to establish after that. What I am seeing on TV today is the result of permissive parenting, and a permissive culture. Why do the adults want to be liked so much that they will sacrifice cultural order, and then be disrespected in the end. Crazy. We have taught our young people to behave this way, and it will be difficult and painful (emotionally! to change it.


You clearly know me and "my ilk"...

Why don't you push your way to the front of the line and show some devotion to the cause...Oh that's right, you're an armchair occupier. I only hope no LEOs are harmed: everybody else is there at their own free will.

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