Portland's off its rocker, cont'd
If you don't think the City of Portland has gone way over the top with its bicycle propaganda and programs, do tell what you think of this mailer, which the city's now sending out to every new business in town:

You can't make this kind of thing up. They've got to be smoking stuff at City Hall.
Comments (34)
But they don't have any money for sidewalks for the outer eastside.
Posted by John Benton | November 10, 2011 9:09 AM
Will they be delivering the free bike rack via bicycle or bus?
Posted by Brian | November 10, 2011 9:14 AM
Pre-rant disclaimer: Getting a free bike rack from the city doesn't sound bad. Especially after all the hoops you go through to open a business in this town.
"...are often more productive" Really? How is that measured? I love hard statistical terms like "often" - employees that bike (myself included when I do) 'often' smell like a barn, and take extra time to change in and out of their bike clothes before and after leaving. They 'often' leave their wet raingear hanging in their office or cube if your office doesn't provide changing space. Yes, they often don't leave during the day to run errands or go to lunch. Unless they have to pick up kids. Oh wait - many bike commuters are young and don't have kids yet - I was more productive at work before I had a family... Anyway - didn't mean to turn this into a screed. Amused by the spin, I suppose.
Also amused by the "get more parking for customers" who, I suppose WON'T be arriving by biking, walking or transit. Could that parking be for -gasp- CARS?!?!
Posted by M | November 10, 2011 9:19 AM
Maybe the VOCs in their chain lubricants have damaged their brains.
Posted by Mojo | November 10, 2011 9:20 AM
Employees that bike, walk, ride transit or carpool are often more productive...
Talk about propaganda, when will it stop?
Now they are telling business owners that they "ought" to hire certain ones?
So now those who drive are deviously being "discriminated" by our city?
Who is paying for the Free bicycle rack in front of your business?
Will businesses then be pressured to comply? They will be forced to put a rack in front of their business, or pressured to hire those who bike, etc??
Transportation is in financial trouble and they continue with this?
Next thing you know, they will be putting subliminal messages on TV to take mass transit, do not drive....
I am so fed up with the propaganda and on top of it knowing that our dollars are paying for this!
Posted by clinamen | November 10, 2011 9:22 AM
The form is missing
"apply for bike friendly speedbump"
"apply for parking meter"
"apply for Trimet Bus Stop"
Posted by dhughes609 | November 10, 2011 9:28 AM
This is a good time to dispel the belief among some bicyclists that they are legally entitled to a full lane of the roadway.
The other day, I was stopped in traffic behind a car with a bumper sticker making that claim, and quoting ORS 814.430.
So, I looked up the law, and what it actually says is that a bicyclist must stay as far to the right as possible at all times, with just three exceptions. If they're traveling at the same speed as motorized traffic; if they're making a left turn; or if it's unsafe to do so.
And, by the way, bicyclists aren't exempt from having to stop at stop signs either.
Posted by Peter Apanel | November 10, 2011 9:42 AM
Propaganda by juveniles, for juveniles.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | November 10, 2011 9:42 AM
Portlandia is contagious. Garages will be limited by the new code here in Milwaukie.
Posted by Don | November 10, 2011 9:45 AM
You act surprised, this is classic back-n-fill for govt. Talk people into sinking a bunch of money into TriMet projects and then they try to get as many customers as possible with giveaways so they can jsutify sinking more money into TriMet.
Posted by Steve | November 10, 2011 9:56 AM
Speaking about "Eco-Green" type messages; on Bloomberg TV this morning the CEO of Vestas says his business will be "devastated" if Government subsidies for windmills stop. Now why would that be Mr. CEO?
Just shows you how "sustainable" the business models of these green liars are...
Posted by Dave A. | November 10, 2011 10:10 AM
Hey since they need to get more money for their pet projects, I'm really surprised that bike racks don't have meters.
Think of how much money they could "rack" in if you had to pay to park your bike?
Posted by Ralph Woods | November 10, 2011 10:13 AM
A quick point brought up by friends in Brooklyn: just out of curiosity, whose responsibility will it be to maintain those bike racks? The city, or the business owner?
I'm asking because one of the big points of concern in Brooklyn involves hipsters parking their $1200 bike out front, having it stolen because they used a pathetic lock or no lock whatsoever, and trying to sue the business because it didn't supply a guard to make sure that nobody touched their bikes. I haven't heard of any of these threatened suits actually going through, much less finding in favor of the plaintiff, but I can just see businesses having to put "use this rack at your own risk" signs all over the place to prevent some sleep-til-11 transplant's mommy and daddy from suing the hosting business back to the Devonian.
Posted by Texas Triffid Ranch | November 10, 2011 10:22 AM
Occupy Portlands community isn't looking so bad as a model of sustainability compared to the city at large. Whats a few hundred thousand in Police Overtime and 80,000 in Park clean up to serve 500 homeless compared to the Multi-Million-Multi-Modal-Moody-Overpass to South Waterfront, Bioswales, street cars, mixed use condo bunkers, etc. You want sustainability, you can't handle sustainability!
Posted by Tom | November 10, 2011 10:53 AM
...Think of how much money they could "rack" in if you had to pay to park your bike?
That may be the devious plan, get more and more people on bikes, getting the perks and being favored until...favors run out and...
Think of how much money could be racked in by then charging tolls for the special bike lanes/excursions?
Still think Adams is using "bike promotion" as examples to pad his resume.
Posted by clinamen | November 10, 2011 10:59 AM
Portland's off its rocker,...
Am afraid we will continue to be rocked by absurdities until some of the city types are retired and put into their rocking chairs.
Posted by clinamen | November 10, 2011 11:08 AM
I'd be willing to accept the premise that employees that bike or walk are more productive, because they are more physically fit, but
"riding transit or carpool"?
Really? Does the little carpool fairy wave a magic wand to make carpoolers more productive? If anything, carpoolers are less productive because they have to leave at a fixed time - you lose a lot of flexibility if an employee carpools.
Posted by Random | November 10, 2011 11:08 AM
You've got to appreciate the irony of a pamphlet that discourages employers from hiring people who can't physically bike, walk, or take transit on the cover then offers ADA accommodations in the fine print.
Posted by Pragmatic Portlander | November 10, 2011 11:25 AM
...then offers ADA accommodations in the fine print.
I think they would have been in trouble had they not put that in the brochure.
Posted by clinamen | November 10, 2011 11:32 AM
The disclaimer print is too fine for people with a reading disability to make it out . . . where's my lawyer . . .
Posted by NW Portlander | November 10, 2011 11:40 AM
Apparently the people at city hall are too stupid to actually look at data:
Transit costs MUCH more than driving a car. 3-5 times as much depending on whose data you use.
Transit wastes people's time. Transit commutes take almost twice as long as driving commutes.
Transit uses much more energy that the new 54 mpg automobile energy standard.
What is the social benefit of encouraging transit usage? It is slower, more costly and wastes energy.
PS: If you goal is to reduce greenhouse gas, encourage small cars because they emit less CO2 per passenger-mile than transit.
PS: If you are worried about running out of oil, or oil imports, encourage small cars because they use less oil per passenger-mile than transit.
See http://www.PortlandFacts.com
Posted by jim karlock | November 10, 2011 11:42 AM
jim karlock,
As I mentioned before:
Think Resume.
Will add think all those bike businesses who will support and vote for candidates who will perpetuate the bike agenda.
I am supportive of businesses, but are we being "transformed" into Manhatten, where hardly a car repair shop can be seen? What about the car shop businesses in pdx?
I will remind the mass transit promoters that here the slow choo choo trains just don't work like Manhatten's subway system. I cannot see how there is an advantage to waiting and transferring and twice the time to get to work leaves one with more energy than a 30 minute commute in the car. Perhaps express buses, express trains but the drive here is not for transporting people efficiently, as it is for the developments around transit!
Posted by clinamen | November 10, 2011 12:01 PM
But they don't have any money for sidewalks for the outer eastside.
As I mentioned before, "wanting sidewalks and who pays"
needs to be brought into the conversation.
Does not the burden of paying for sidewalks
fall on the homeowners
and on businesses (thousands of dollars) per a Lid
(local improvement district) tax?
Does the city pay any portion -
there may be some grant money involved...
someone who blogs on here may know details.
Posted by clinamen | November 10, 2011 12:15 PM
I'm really surprised that bike racks don't have meters.
Trimet already does. They have "bike and ride" secure cages at a few MAX stops now. You have to buy a $25 keycard, and you pay .03 cents per hour to park your bike there.
Posted by Jon | November 10, 2011 1:04 PM
Bike racks are already required for new construction and major remodel on commercial buildings by the storm trooper BDS.
Posted by Portland Native | November 10, 2011 1:19 PM
From the Portland Mercury today….
Elly Blue a writer who runs the business PDX by Bike…. says she sees several other funding sources in the city that PBOT could feed from, including making paid parking universal in Portland and—controversially—giving up on plans to pave neighborhood streets.
Michael Andersen, editor of news magazine Portland Afoot, suggested a mileage tax. "It's time to look at a new tax that doesn't depend on one particular form of fuel," says Andersen. "We need to make a shift. Funding is going to continue to be a problem as long as our system depends on gas consumption."
Am I the only one that finds it odd they don’t mention generating any funds from the cyclist? Now that is not very sustainable is it?
Posted by Gil Slater | November 10, 2011 1:33 PM
The flyer asserts that employees who walk, bike, take transit or carpool (i.e. do not drive single occupancy vehicles) are more productive. Based on what? How can they quantify that, or even assert it?
It's the classic case of saying it and thinking that makes it true.
Posted by Robert Collins | November 10, 2011 3:40 PM
After all, this is Portland, where engineered perception is reality for many residents.
Posted by Mr. Grumpy | November 10, 2011 3:50 PM
Don, in regards to Milwaukie limiting garages, Portland has done it for over 10 years by requiring that garage width cannot be over 50% of a homes front width.
This means on a R5 (5000 sq ft lot) being 50 ft. wide with the required two 5 ft side yards, that only 40 ft is left for the home. Thus the garage can only be less than 20 ft.
Now, to park two average cars that is a tight squeeze. Then if you have your required bikes, recycling bins and all the other paraphernalia of life, it is really a problem. Add old age, handicap issues you can't even open your car door.
What is really wrong in having 18 ft of house frontage combined with 22 ft for a garage making for the 40 ft allowed? How is that detrimental to livability? Portland is becoming a total life changing experience.
Posted by lw | November 10, 2011 5:16 PM
How is riding transit productive?
Let's see...takes me twice as long, and thanks to unreliable buses, crowded buses, standing in the rain waiting for a bus...I'm more stressed when I walk in the door or when I get home, than had I just driven myself.
How do you feel standing on a crush load bus? The transit planners want you to think that bus (excuse me, MAX and WES time) time can be productive because you can do work on your laptop computer. How, if you're standing shoulder-to-shoulder with someone else, on a moving vehicle that hits its brakes every minute or so?
After arriving at my destination (still soaking wet from waiting for the bus) I get to walk several blocks in the rain to my destination. (If I drove, I'd be parking in my building's underground parking garage.) And if my bus runs late, then I have to worry about being late myself. (At least in a car, you can take a detour route, and you have the benefit of traffic reports. How often does TriMet do traffic reports for its bus routes?)
I sure would love to see how these planners get their ideas. And they're welcome to ride the bus with me. Sadly, nobody takes me up on my offer to ride a real Portland TriMet bus to see what it's really like...I'm thinking that these happy-go-lucky transit lovers are in flat out denial that the majority of TriMet's service actually does suck, and the only reason we ride it is because we don't want to pay to park downtown.
Posted by Erik H. | November 10, 2011 9:53 PM
"So, I looked up the law, and what it actually says is that a bicyclist must stay as far to the right as possible at all times, with just three exceptions. If they're traveling at the same speed as motorized traffic; if they're making a left turn; or if it's unsafe to do so.
And, by the way, bicyclists aren't exempt from having to stop at stop signs either."
You need to keep in mind that a LOT of Portland streets are unsafe to ride bikes as far right as possible. There is a subset of drivers who like to throw open their door in front of bikes causing crashes and injury. Or cars using the bike lanes as parking spots or turn lanes. Tacks and nails deliberately left in bike lanes and bike paths. You should check out the BikePortland Blog to get an idea of what the other side deals with on a daily basis in their commute before deriding older forms of transportation.
Better yet, get on a bike and actually ride yourself.
BTW, the not stopping at stop signs things bugs a lot of bicyclists too. I frequently see it among the spandex wearing crowd who seem to be exercisers and not commuters.
Posted by Rick Hamell | November 11, 2011 7:11 AM
"There is a subset of drivers who like to throw open their door in front of bikes causing crashes and injury."
JK: That was almost me on a poorly lit street. I looked in the side view mirror and started to open the door as a bike whizzed by.
Why didn't I see him?
Posted by jim karlock | November 11, 2011 4:07 PM
Further proof that some peoples college education was a waste of money.
Posted by tankfixer | November 11, 2011 7:40 PM
Tankfixer - Common sense and higher education do not necessarily go together, otherwise, how can one explain urban and transportation planners? No amount of money or education can fill that void.
Regarding the very slight nod to ADA in the brochure -- it seems strange to me that the city would promote a physically limiting activity (bicycling) at places where the public does business. Someone ought to get out of the Marketing Dept. long enough to check the regs. I could be wrong, but so is this whole program.
Posted by Nolo | November 12, 2011 1:25 AM