
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 9, 2011 1:44 PM. The previous post in this blog was Portland bureaucracy on parade. The next post in this blog is It's over. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Portland's new "central eastside" parking meters -- where?

An ominous note in yesterday's strange article in the O about the Portland parking meter scandal. The main point of the piece seems to be, "Sure there was probably corruption, but the city got a great deal!" But then there's this:

Officials are considering new parking meters in the Central Eastside and Northwest Portland.

No decisions have been made. But with approval on the eastside, Portland could begin charging hourly $1 rates. Officials are studying between 350 to 662 parking stalls -- which would probably require between 35 and 66 new parking meters. Specifics are even less clear in Northwest Portland, although it's expected that more parking stalls would be affected and more parking meters would be needed.

So who are the lucky merchants and residents? Hawthorne? Broadway? Sam and Randy -- what a path of destruction they will leave behind. Including the political career of their good buddy, Nurse Amanda.

Comments (22)

It looks like the CED is: 520-block study area (from the Willamette River to SE 12th Avenue, and from I-84 to SE Powell Boulevard) (http://www.portlandonline.com/transportation/index.cfm?c=53032)

The Central Eastside Industrial District (C.E.I.D.) already has a Zone Permit system in place for people who work there. Adding meters would mean that people who work there would find it next to impossible to drive to work unless their employers have off street parking. There is pretty much no off street parking available. Not everyone can spare the massive time waste involved with public transportation, and access is pretty crappy if you work west of MLK and Grand. The lame street car is coming sometime, but that doesn't get you to and from work. If this comes to being in the C.E.I.D., it will hurt many blue collar workers, discourage fledgling start up and small business, and discourage job growth in the district as opposed to encouraging it.

Sam badly wanted meters on Hawthorne some time ago, but got an earful from residents and merchants, and backed down. Now that he and Randy have both decided they're not running, they can do whatever the hell they want. Prediction: meters on Hawthorne in the next 6 months.

No mention in Mr Schmidt's piece about additional hires in parking meter enforcement. Nor of "body-worn cameras" for them, a subject discussed too briefly on Monday by Beth Slovic:

"According to a newly obtained May 5 email under the subject line 'Parking enforcement abuse,' [alleged mayor Sam] Adams asked city officials -- including Portland Bureau of Transportation Director Tom Miller -- to consider the same [wearable] technology for the employees who ticket motorists from 8 am to 7 pm:

'I worry about the safety of our parking meter enforcement folks. They can take a lot of abuse. I [sic] our most recent Police Bureau mtg, the [sic] Mike Kuykendall mentioned that they are looking [sic] piloting on-person video technology. It is worn like a pendant. I would like you to look at doing the same for parking enforcement.

Sent from my iPhone'"

BTW, are there recording cameras in the current generation of parking meters? Do BD's lyrics require updating, something like:

"Don't follow leaders
Watch the parkin' meters
Watchin' you?"


The only thing that this will mitigate (or in true Happyland fashion, push them further east) is all the homeless campers that set-up and live in that part of town.

I am in complete agreeance with Usual Kevin's remarks regarding the true effects on business in that part of town.

Go by shopping cart?

Once the businesses are pushed out, the condo weasels can move in. Blumenauer will be so happy.

You have to wait for the public input process. Your input will be primarily quarters.

What are the planners going to do about the freight train whistle decibel requirements on the federal level around the drool-inducing condo prospects?

At least the drunks under the bridges can get so completely hammered that they cannot be startled by the current decibel levels on the trains. Perhaps they can build an 85 story apartment building for the "Occupy" crowd and the "resting center club" on Burnside. Just make sure to have lockers that can accommodate a full size shopping cart.

On a bit of a side note, when I filled out the city-mailed survey before they started (but after the plans were in place --- a complete joke) the work for this part of town, I suggested that they set-up Can-Do recycling machines along the streetcar loop and have the fare payable with the Can-Do slips.

To no avail, just believe the tales they tell.

Don't worry about the freight trains, most buyers will be out-of-towners who swallow the bait.

I wish we could immediately recall Adams, Leonard, and Fritz over this Occupy Portland nonsense and how they've grossly mishandled it. The Occupy Portland encampment has become a staging ground for making bombs (even they suspect) and using them, for heaven sakes. What more would any reasonable leaders want as a reason to immediately close down this illegal and unpermitted encampment? Does someone actually need to die from the antics of these Occupiers for the light to go off in the head of these bungling leaders (Adams, Leonard, and Fritz). We may not be able to wait another 14 months to be rid of these juvenile leaders.

I am already having to spend an extra ten minutes a night to deal with the change in garbage can pick up service, and also, having to work harder at transporting my groceries on my bike because plastic bags are now a no, no. This situation is not progressive. It's totally regressive.

Leonard gets to leave with a bundle of PERS loot, and Adams is probably swinging some high paying "green" gig. Fritz deserves a short tenure with nothin much to showcase.

And what business is for these yahoos to be helping OccupyXXXrx form a new political party? They are suppose to not show any partisanship.

We need a regime change alright, and not the kind the Occupods are thinking.

Your input will be primarily quarters.

That will buy about four minutes. Try dollars.

This is another strike from government lobbed at the evil capitalist pig. The Pigs are leaving and the Gov.. is suddenly broke.
It is so sad to have witnessed the invasion and destruction of this once great town.

I wish we could immediately recall Adams, Leonard, and Fritz over this Occupy Portland nonsense and how they've grossly mishandled it...

I wish we could immediately recall Adams, Leonard, Fritz, Fish and Saltzman...
(might as well make it a clean slate)for all kinds of nonsense and how they have grossly mishandled just about everything.

In a way, one could say that their decisions have greatly benefited the 1%.
They have made such a mess of the finances that I wouldn’t put it past them to keep the Occupy right where they are so that the media/people will instead focus on the mess across the street rather than the mess in city hall.

They must be so desperately broke that they want all these parking meters.
How nice of them to push this on the people during these troubling economic times.

They tried to push this some 10 or years ago, claiming that residents didn't have the right to park their cars on city owned streets. There was such an uproar it went away... for awhile.

It's time to stop Sam and Randy's pillaging of Portland. This kind of stuff is coming to a stop in Alabama.

"Jefferson County has, in effect, been in bankruptcy for three years" "...resulted from a mix of outdated sewer pipes, the lagging economy, court rulings and public corruption.

Don't think this can't happen in Portland.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011/11/09/alabama-county-votes-for-largest-municipal-bankruptcy-in-us-history/?test=latestnews

How are they going to pay for new toys if they don't have new revenue.

"Don't think this can't happen in Portland"
Please refer to the "broke-o-meter" at the top of this page. I think we are there now.
As for parking meters on the east side of town, I am pretty sure they are on order and will be installed by spring.
And while the condo weasels do drool over the possibility of condos over there I can't see that happening till the economy improves a lot more which will take more time. One wonders just how many "Pearls" a small city like Portlandia can support and the east side will still be the "wrong side of the ditch" for a long time, IMO.

I think the impulse is less to get condos into the inner eastside, but to move déclassé companies like those gauche tile companies and plumbing fixture companies out of there and to convince trendy restaurants and companies to move in.

I think I remember that $10 million of Portland's share of Portland's Milwaukie Light Rail is backed by parking fees.

So it may be that the city has spent & committed the same parking fees too many times.
How many times can they spend the same money?

Clinamen, thanks for including Dithering Dan in the call for impeachment. Despite all the outrageous behavior on the part of the Mayor and the Fireman, Salzman irritates me far more as he repeatedly pretends to be shocked by something, takes a tentative stand and then either removes himself and lets things happen or simply runs away like Brave Sir Robin in a Monty Python skit. Completely ineffective with no force of conviction.

Another tax without a vote. These A-holes just keep sticking their middle fingers in our faces and most folks are clueless.

If the general public keeps enabling this kind of activity by tuning out, well Karma...

NW Portlander,
As witnessed last May, Saltzman was at the Wednesday council hearing, then disappeared when the vote for the $80 million June bid Powell Butte project came up, a project not needed and businesses and citizens pleaded not to go forward with it. I continue to remind folks that "Fishy" is the one who gave the third vote needed for Adams and the Admiral.

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