
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 13, 2011 9:46 PM. The previous post in this blog was Bigger than Michael Moore. The next post in this blog is Digging in the dirt. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, November 13, 2011

Is it over?

It appears that Occupy Portland has left Pioneer Courthouse Square. Where'd everybody go?

Comments (8)

They were invited to First Unitarian 1011 Southwest 13th. Room for 650-700 with showers and food.

Then it's off to Disneyland!

Back to mom and dad's basement. Oh how I miss my Xbox.

Booze run, time to restock for the next party.

Pioneer Courthouse Square is a very nice place that seems to also be a default location for some of Portland's misfits.

What struck me about this group was that they were overwhelmingly, young, white, seemed to have some finances (cell phones, cameras, tents, camping gear) and that they were directionless, poorly organized, and seemingly without a long range plan.
The ideas roughly expressed, having to do with income inequality, the opposition to corporate greed and the idea that those with millions of dollars in income should pay more taxes, are ideas which which I can basically agree. However, camping out and hanging out in a city park, at great expense to the average taxpayer with no measurable activities to effect real changes doesn't seem like a viable plan.
Now had these folks organized a real march, to safely gather people for a peaceful walk up Broadeway on a Sunday afternoon, that I would go for, and would have participated.
I guess I am just a "conservative aging hippie liberal from the 60s".

Occupy Portland can claim responsibility for two accomplishments: a nice holiday bump in police officer's paychecks, and a few new jobs for local glaziers and landscape maintenance crews.

Their lawlessness, their entitlement philosophy, and their blatant disrespect for representative democracy and law enforcement officers will continue to marginalize the message (however diffused it may be).

Too bad they do not have the Koch brothers cutting them a fat check like the Tea Baggers. Mom and Dad do not make good "fat cat" supporters. Remembering to vote and writing your congressman is still a better method than sitting in the park and smoking weed. Maybe not as much fun.

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