Digging in the dirt
Coal is about to be shipped to China through the Pacific Northwest from nasty mines to our east, in Montana and Wyoming. And environmentalists aren't too keen on the idea:

Wonder how the Port of Portland feels. Our impression is that they'll ship anything, anywhere, as long as the right people in town get their cut.
Comments (6)
Professional environmentalists always need something to complain about. It's part of their basic business model.
But their vision of "green power" is incoherent. Wind and solar need back-up 24/7. For now it's coal and big hydro, but at the margin it will be natural gas. Regardless, this leads to a net increase in CO2 and other emissions, along with a big increase in cost. Forcing consumers to pay more for no environmental gain is pointless.
Coal is dirty and will eventually be phased out as better options come along. But tonight's event isn't about solving that problem, it's about expanding the Club's membership.
Posted by John Charles | November 14, 2011 9:29 AM
The Sierra Club has a radical agenda. If they have their way we'll be cold, in the dark and riding a bike in the rain. (The streetcar won't be running because their won't be enough electricity to run it.)
Posted by Don | November 14, 2011 9:43 AM
In this case, they're trying to stop us from breathing (and drinking) the air pollution from the Chinese, who will burn all the coal they can get their hands on. As best I can tell, this issue is not about domestic energy production at all.
Posted by Jack Bog | November 14, 2011 11:53 AM
"..by moving our last coal plants off coal"
Yeah and taking down hydro then complaining about natural gas pollution that replaces it. Then the power companies like to ask people to donate extra to help the needy. No thanks, no extra cash for a state sponsored monopoly.
Jack, its also about screwing those coal mining states losing out on revenue much like they've screwed timber counties here in Oregon. Then they complain about those states/counties getting Fed subsidies/payoffs (while crying for more money to build trams to nowhere).
Posted by JS | November 14, 2011 1:04 PM
The air pollution coming out of china is probably a real issue. If so the better solution would pressure them to build clean plants. Could we demand that they only burn our coal in ultra clean plants (we separate green from black electrons on our electric grid for green power, so they ought to be able to keep our coal only in clean plants)
OTH, it may be better for us to convert the coal into gasoline for domestic use. That could give us gas under $2/gal. (Maybe I should support the Sierra Klub this one time???)
Posted by jim karlock | November 14, 2011 1:58 PM
If I remember correctly, the Port of Portland probably is not too happy about this at all since the coal is being shipped out through one of its competitors. I believe it was Kelso or Longview.
Posted by jfwellspdx | November 14, 2011 2:18 PM