
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on November 17, 2011 12:17 PM. The previous post in this blog was Right on cue. The next post in this blog is More sleaze from the Oregon "lottery". Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, November 17, 2011

As the world turns

The latest episode in the Occupy Portland soap opera is streaming live here. They arrested 25 people this morning acting out on the Steel Bridge. Now it's the banks. Having wasted two nights and most of a day watching these kids, we're too burned out to follow their every move. Anyone who does, please keep us updated in the comments to this post.

Comments (23)

Here's something beautiful to take your mind off the OWS drama: http://vimeo.com/32001208

Jack, I just emailed you some pictures I took from inside Standard Insurance. We are in lockdown now...

Nothing much happening, other than a bunch of protesters who seem hell bent on reallocating money from assorted city projects into the police department's overtime budget.

From what I see so far, letting them take over a park, keeping them all in one spot, was a better idea then the roving crowds right now.

Reminds me when LE complains about a business or place "attracting" problems. I always thought it makes it a lot easier to baby sit them.

Reality Theater goes on!

Sam Adams and Mike Reese have it under control.

The protesters down in Eugene are sure a lot more calm. They never seem to leave their camp. I'm sure its because they are all high as kites though....

Also you can monitor some of the LE radio Traffic here.


Protesters in front of Bank of America were literally burning dollar bills just now. Because, uh, that'll hurt the banks? I really have no idea. Not sure that's going to play well with the 99%.

Re the burning bills -- the Oregonian feed says that they are fake bills.

Fair enough. Good to know.

Sounds like McCoy just got charged by the feds with taking bribes.

...the Oregonian feed says that they are fake bills.

They probably know that because they printed them - given their excess capacity these days.

Scanner sounds like LE ready to move in if marchers misbehave. Have bike cops and a mobile team on standby. no live feeds that i know of at this time.

Isn't burning that processed wood product pollution? Shouldn't they be charged with crimes against the planet for burning fake dollars?

Apparently the protesters have a van full of camping gear en route, and they are under the impression they'll be allowed to camp in front of B of A.

Occupy Portland protesters are now surrounding Pioneer Square. Portland Police warning them that they are subject to arrest if they do not move out of the streets and to the sidewalks. The StarWars Darth Vader theme is playing in the background.

Bojack sticker used to fight protesters:

2:01 p.m.: Battle of the signs at Bank of America at SW 2nd and Morrison. Protesters outside the bank posted a sign to the door saying: “Foreclosed” while workers inside the bank put up a sign aimed out saying: “Weird isn’t working.”


Ongoing cluster puck. By chase Bank police push people into street. Then a few minutes later send a squad to clear the street. So the try to move back on the sidewalk...

What theater...

Pepper spray in use now

This doesn't look like a fake dollar bill being burned, btw.


If that's fake, it is counterfeit-grade.

Perhaps my favorite Occupy story this week can be found here.

Just days after protesting at, and vandalizing, a Wells Fargo branch, guess where Occupy Oakland voted to deposit its $20,000 in donations? That's right, Wells Fargo.

They're burning $1 bills?

Let me know when they start burning real money.

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