
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 14, 2011 12:33 PM. The previous post in this blog was Paying for Vera's mistakes. The next post in this blog is It's about time. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

The bureaucratic mind at work

Apparently the City of Portland is thinking about fining itself over Occupy Portland. It's like a Marx Brothers movie, only not as funny.

Comments (12)

Hail, Hail, Freedonia, land of the brave and free


Just wait until the Bureau of Parks and Recreation hires Miller Nash to contest the fines levied by Bureau of Development Services.

"legal dispute between two city agencies."

Does the city attorney staff really think that the city can sue itself? Silly.

It reminds me of the old city auditor who thought he had to make a public records request upon the PDC in order to rummage through their books. Preposterous. Where did he get his legal advice?

I believe the official term to describe this situation is "City officials have their heads so far up their butts that they've become Klein bottles with legs."

Oh, what a pickle for the city.

A neighbor recently contacted the nuisance bureau about a noise issue. The bureau lady in a recorded callback (you never talk to a live person)said that "loud human voice noises are never responded to by the city". I guess the drum beating needs to cease and just singing union and kumbaya songs is in order. Problem solved for the Occupiers. Forget the other 99.9999999% of citizens. (Pardon the 9999's Mr. Cain)

I think Wright and Dignity Village have a big law suit coming. That should help fund both for decades to come. Equal enforcement or no enforcement...what's that??

I think Sam personally has a legal problem since he's not enforcing codes, laws that he's required to enforce, and those actions are directly his own decisions. He may be leaving Portland as a pauper.

There's a song for paupers as he leaves town, that he can sing at the top of his lungs, with no problem:

"I've been a puppet, a pauper, a pirate..
a poet, a pawn, and a king...
I've been up and down and over and out.."

Grumm said. “But, BDS definitely intends to treat both situations in an equitable manner.”

Translation: both situations will be handled with the same urgency that the city used to address Dignity Village. Welcome to DVII and DVIII.

Where is Stens when you need him?

lw, very funny!
That's life
I tell ya, I can't deny it,
I thought of quitting baby,
But my heart just ain't gonna buy it.
And if I didn't think it was worth one single try,
I'd jump right on a big bird and then I'd fly

Is that why Mayor has this big bird now on his masthead?

This is the direct result of the ridiculous city-management system, where commissioners are appointed to head the different bureaus. When the commissioners (Saltzman & Fish), can't play nice together, they threaten to "Sue" one another - ignoring the legal absurdity of one entity (the City) suing itself. Also ignoring the wasteful use of taxpayer funds on such absurd behavior.

Sounds like a Leed Certified Mongolian Clusterfark.

Eight years ago Multnomah County did sue itself when it was unhappy with one of its land use decisions. The Land Use Board of Appeals ruled that the county didn't have standing to complain about its own land use decisions.


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