
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 13, 2011 5:24 AM. The previous post in this blog was Nothing to worry about. The next post in this blog is Exiles off Main Street. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fore? No, it's a five.

A friend of ours who's a world traveler tells us that when he mentions Oregon to wealthy foreigners, they often remark about either the Bandon Dunes golf course or our pinot noir. Let's hope that some day a devastating earthquake isn't added to the topic list for chitchat. They had a 5.3 about 150 miles off Bandon last evening, in an area prone to shakers. So far, there appear to be no reports of anybody feeling it on shore.

Comments (4)

Interesting. Never felt it in Bandon and heard no emergency warnings. One might have expected some kind of alert like "Run for the Hills!

Some "shake reports" came in from santa Riosa, CA and the Portland area...also Coos Bay and North Bend. You're right Jack, we're due for a BIG quake. How well prepared are we (myself included)???????

The CSZ quakes are definitely nothing to sneeze at. If you work on the other side of the river from where you live, have a plan in place to stay with friends for a while if the quake happens on a work day. This place will come to a grinding halt that will make our snow-day escapades look like a well oiled machine.

Have you been following El Hierro? That's extremely worrisome as well if you have people on the East Coast.

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