
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on October 26, 2011 9:46 AM. The previous post in this blog was Drowning in government debt. The next post in this blog is Goldschmidt Party nightmare continues for Nurse Amanda. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Earth to Andy

Here's a funny one. Portland Business Journal reporter Andy Giegerich this morning breaks the important news that "the city is said to be seeking a Target Corp. store" at the Galleria downtown. No kidding, Andy -- last Friday, your competitor explained in an extensive article that Target is currently finalizing a lease on the property, having gotten a major design review approved a couple of weeks ago. Try to keep up.

Giegerich does add one interesting wrinkle, however -- the Target folks want assurance that the city's pet condo developer weasels aren't going to mess up the city-owned parking garage across Morrison Street. Apparently the city's hapless development commission, which owns the garage, is begrudgingly agreeing to leave the parking alone for two years. Wow, don't do them any favors. Welcome to Portland, Target! Be sure to get it in writing.

The Giegerich story also names the developer for whom the fix is in with the city for a steaming pile of "mixed use" shinola on the garage site, where the Peterson's convenience store controversy raged a few years ago. It's density ramrod John Carroll.

Comments (2)

Jack - The reports of downtown's death have been greatly exaggerated - big new nike store, target, food carts bustling, new jewelry stores, a few historic office buildings being rehabbed, new plazas and burger joints, and "density ramrods" wanting to build more condos. Sure I am a downtown supporter but I assure you its not half bad, in fact its good. Cmon down during the day sometime or over the holidays.

Phil P: Sir,how are those rats in the park area,and the overflowing potty's working out for you and the food carts?

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