
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 21, 2011 4:50 PM. The previous post in this blog was Maybe it's trying to tell us something. The next post in this blog is A new theory on WTC collapses. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Setback for Clackistan commissioners on duelling ballot measures

They just had their title of their decoy ballot measure on "urban renewal," and their summary of the question, thrown out and rewritten by a judge. To make it less confusing, perhaps. And confusion is what that ballot measure is all about.

Comments (6)

But, wait -- isn't the word "only" still missing?

As in: "Shall new or substantially amended urban renewal plans require the approval of only those voters residing within the plan area boundaries?"

Yep I agree it should have been "only".

But the county tried to cast this about local control. The judge spanked them and took out the word "local" entirely.

So now they'll play more games.

And in November the voters will crush them again.

It looks to me like they are limited to 20 words for the question, so they can't add only without taking a different word out.

"Only" would have been just as loaded as "local" because under the current rules, there is no vote at all.

Just delete the "the" here: "...require the approval of...." Voila!

And of course "only" is loaded -- because the Clackistani overlords are loaded, and giving their citizens a load of....

I love the fact that they had to pay Mr Winters! For once my tax dollars really at work.

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