
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 21, 2011 4:08 PM. The previous post in this blog was $20 loaf of bread gets a little closer. The next post in this blog is Setback for Clackistan commissioners on duelling ballot measures. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Maybe it's trying to tell us something

Here's an interesting internet search that we ran this afternoon.

Comments (8)

It's on the Intertubes, it has to be true!


Google knows all.

Great googly moogly!

I Asked for Water (She Gave Me Gasoline) - Howlin' Wolf

Hey, wait a minute, that's not a real one. I'm no fool! N'yuk, n'yuk n'yuk.

Gotta love the google.

This is a little bit of thread, but that happens when you do random searches

The link is below:

I thought this was interesting.

I rearranged the search key words to this: "transportation achievements portland bureau" and got some listings. When I composed the search field, the google intuit-bot asked, "Did you mean 'transportation bureau indictments'?" I almost went with it just to see, but doubled back first to file this report.

C.G.I. Computer generated irony.

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