
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 16, 2011 10:26 PM. The previous post in this blog was Air show madness takes, ruins more lives. The next post in this blog is Underdoggers, get on it. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Friday, September 16, 2011

Reassuring thoughts

The upcoming Presidential election could turn out just fine, after all.

Comments (15)

Oh dear god. please tell me that is a joke. If it's not, Amerika is doomed.

Too many people will think this is an authentic letter from Perry.

The truth is that it is difficult to find the truth for any of the candidates or the incumbent.


Thanks for the laugh.
Of course come November 2012 none of us may be laughing any more, but trying to find a country where we can get political asylum.

"Of course come November 2012 none of us may be laughing any more, but trying to find a country where we can get political asylum."

Why do lefties and Hollywood types (redundant) over-use the "I am repressed" baloney when a republican is in office? Yet, Obama has already set up his THIRD snitch web site. AttackWatch, if it hadn't become a laughing-stock on the Internet, should be condemned as a Nixonian ploy by a guy that increasingly is becoming very creepy.

Never once occurred to me to "seek asylum." But I am not in for the Days of Rage Marxist street theatre either.

Borowitz is rarely funny.

I know I can still write comedy. For example, "The Lion King came out in 3-D Friday and the extra dimension adds a lot. The Circle of Life? Now the Sphere of Life."

But what gets me is this feeling that the comedy writers of America are being used to sell a narrative for the real powers of the world. For example, we're not supposed to look at how Goldman Sachs helped destroy Greece, and many other places, so that now - this week - the Wall Street types in the Federal Reserve are using dollars to bail out the Euro because Europe is on the brink.

The exact same process of Wall Street and the foreign bankers plundering and then using the U.S. debt to cover their tracks, is still in play, but we're not addressing it. Do you realize what's going to happen to inflation with the Federal Reserve now pumping more dollars out there to save the Euro? And if you do hear about it, it's all about how these countries need austerity measures when it was the bankers who led them into trouble. But that's not the story the powers that be want us to look at.

Instead, we're getting this Obama-Perry-Tea Party- 2012 Election focus while the real crooks continue destroying the country and the world.

I've changed. I was extremely proud of the role we comedy writers played in exposing Sarah Palin in the short window between the GOP convention of 2008 and the elections. She was one of the most cynical choices ever made, and the campaign spent all their time trying to hide her from the public. Instead any time she came close to talking it was a disaster such as the Katie Couric interview.

But it was the comedy writers, and I include Tina Fey, who really broke through the wall and exposed this disingenuous moron for what she really is. I was proud of that.

This time however, it feels like we're being played: "Look, joke boy. Here's a target for you: Rick Perry." Meanwhile the same forces, the same people controlling the puppet strings go along virtually unnoticed while the wrath of the public is funneled into an anti-Obama or anti-Tea Party charade.

You say we may stop laughing in November of 2012? First, we'll be lucky to make it to November of 2012, and second I stopped laughing about all this months ago.

...and second I stopped laughing about all this months ago.

There are many of us who stopped laughing about this long ago. Before coming back onto the local scene about our crisis water rights issue, it was horrifying to see what was happening on the national scene and then our human rights being chipped away at again and again until now we are being body scanned and body patted.

There is no end in sight when the Democratic Party accepts whatever and will not address bringing forth platforms and possible other candidates for the people. That is it then, no choice, no in depth conversation at conventions, no Alabama and this or that state for this candidate as the one we have is not on our party platform??

Wow, just wow, it is all decided for us ahead of time. This time the kabuki theater of it looks to be the same, no real choice, isn't that why so many people came out last time, not just for Obama, but that they simply could not accept a Palin for President?
Looks like a rerun of theater again, don't think this country can take another four years of kabuki theater.

Politics and comedy have rarely mixed very well. George Carlin, Bill Hicks and Doug Stanhope are the only ones I can stomach.

I am adding Andy Borowitz to my list of stomach churning politicomics along with Margaret Cho.

BTW, is the "Borowitz Report" a rip-off of the Colbert Report?

"...it feels like we are being played..."

"are" ? What about "were"?

Can you say rubes?

Depressing if the first commenter didn't see it was a spoof before reading it.

Here's a serious actual statement from Perry, who will have been the first US politician to mention the Turkey problem, although he does not elaborate much.


And if anyone cares to know more about the Turkey problem he references:


Hell both parties have been bought out for decades. So it doesn't really matter who we vote for. My grandfather was alarmed when i voted for Obama. But I told him, "Don't worry grandpa, nothing is really going to change. You're old. You should know that."

Score one for me...I guess.

Perry's opinion article link above doesn't work, but the one below might. The left-wing shills are already screeching in the blogosphere that Perry could not possible have written it himself.


Really, gaye, you want an ignoramus like Perry in power? Someone who brags about being dumber than W. Someone with less foreign policy experience than W. (whose daddy was pres after all). Someone with no soul. Someone who presides over a state with one of the worst educational systems in the nation which tries to taint text books for the rest of the nation. My fingers would get tired if I kept going until I was done.

Is this what we want for America?


"While it's true that Texas is responsible for 40% of the jobs added in the U.S. over the past two years, its poverty rate also grew faster than the national average in 2010.
Texas ranks 6th in terms of people living in poverty. Some 18.4% of Texans were impoverished in 2010, up from 17.3% a year earlier, according to Census Bureau data released this week. The national average is 15.1%.
And being poor in Texas isn't easy. The state has one of the lowest rates of spending on its citizens per capita and the highest share of those lacking health insurance. It doesn't provide a lot of support services to those in need: Relatively few collect food stamps and qualifying for cash assistance is particularly tough."

That's what we need--another Texas oilman in the oval office.

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