
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 26, 2011 8:50 PM. The previous post in this blog was Portland school board takes another stab at it. The next post in this blog is Nuke bungling at Hanford draws federal scrutiny. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Last 'dog falls short

The 'Skins fell to the Cowboys this evening, and so there were no winners in our charity pro football underdog game. The standings remain as they were last night. Lines for next weekend's contests should be available sometime tomorrow.

Comments (3)

I didn't get Tony Romo tonight. Sure, he played valiantly and the Cowboys won, but you can't show up your teammates on the field like that when they screw up. That's not a long-term winning move.
Of course, the announcers were all over each other humping Tony's leg, but the fact remains, if Tony hadn't pulled a couple of bonehead plays in the first game, they could be undefeated right now.

And I'm not talking about little mental lapses, either. I'm talking about serious dumb. I'm talking about the bonehead of a petrified dinosaur, discovered under a layer of mud, then ground up, and reinserted into Tony's skull. And not a smart dinosaur, either - no, one of the dumb ones.

So give the "angry coach on the field" number a break 'til the stink clears out from the game in New York.

Bill, that's because Tony got the right steroids this lsst weekend. Jerry Jones is cutting back on the dosage for the rest of the team: considering how much he owes for the ongoing Cowboys fiasco, and his available options on selling off the other players, he's probably afraid that steroids would affect the taste of the meat.

There're still the Dallas Cryboys. It's a legacy ever since their loss to the Packers in the '67 Championship Game in frozen Green Bay. That's why Romo was such a diva out there as Bill pointed out. It was disgusting. He may have more career passing yards than Aikman, but he's not half the QB or leader that Aikman was. And compared to Meredith or Staubach, forget it. If Rex Grossman hadn't reverted to the old Rex once again last night, Romo might've been hauled out of the locker room after the game with more broken ribs and another punctured lung, courtesy of his center and OL.

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