
This page contains a single entry from the blog posted on September 25, 2011 8:37 PM. The previous post in this blog was They should be cellmates. The next post in this blog is The jellyfish speaks out. Many more can be found on the main index page or by looking through the archives.

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Sunday, September 25, 2011

A great day for the 'dogs

More than half the players who had picks in today's session of our charity pro football underdog game had winners. Here are the standings at the end of the Sunday action:

Pete Rozelle 14
jmh 12.5
john dull 11
Annie 9
Biggest Cubs Loser 9
John Ch. 9
PDXileinOmaha 9
umpire 9
AKevin 8.5
Gordon 8.5
Michael K. 8.5
Paul 8.5
Weavmo 6
Eric W. 5.5
Larry Legend 5.5
Bayou Baby (formerly Brook) 3
Carol 3
Drewbob 3
15 other players 0

The week won't be final until tomorrow night, however, when we have:

5 WASHINGTON at Dallas - Larry Legend, Broadway Joe, Grizfan, Eric W.

Congratulations to everybody who racked up points today. But don't get too cocky, you winners. The season is long.

Comments (3)

Congrats to the 5 who took the Bills over NE. Great pick.

What a great upset weekend. Thanks again to Jack for managing the pool and making it so much fun to watch NFL games I ordinarily wouldn't care about.

"Making matters worse, the giddy locals rubbed it in by playing 'Livin’ On a Prayer,' and 'Sweet Caroline' over the loudspeaker system.

Yeesh. You know it’s bad when they are mocking you in Buffalo."

Next week: Pats or Chargers?

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